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RE: Authentic you matters

Unfortunately most people walk through most of their life never being true to their heart openly. Many people have felt uncomfortable around me during my life because I do not like being around those whose energy aligns with their mask and not their heart. Trying to hide behind those masks and pretend things are not what they are, they grow uncomfortable when they notice one seeing through it.

It takes a strong heart to be true to oneself. Sadly most seem to embrace their mask as their fate. Herman Hesse alluded to this in his book Demian, calling those who are strong enough to be true and see having the mark of Cain. An interesting read if you have not read it.

Thanks for sharing your light.


Sadly most seem to embrace their mask as their fate.

We build our own boxes and admonish those that try to put us in theirs.

As one who rebelled coming out of being a toddler against the box I was trying to be forced into, I do believe that much of the dynamics of our boxes are built for us. From parental coercion, educational coercion and peer coercion. It takes a very strong will to insist that the box is not wanted.

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