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RE: Imagine Better

in #philosophy6 years ago

Awesome post:) many people are unaware of their ignorance and they are the hardest to get through to. Its also hard to sometimes stay calm around those types in certain conversations/situations. For instance I have some family members who would never admit wrong, but always point the blame elsewhere, and have had big fall outs over nothing, all holding grudges etc. I find it hard to believe coming from the same family... but there even will always talk about other people’s flaws and never stop to think, wait, what about me? What can I do to change this? Or what can be done, rather than always challenging someone’s ways. I have had it a lot with certain family members and it does get to me, but I’m calm and just make sure I never fall out with them, even though they would easily if I just told them a bit about themselves.

Anyway, you are very right, we must look at ourselves in the mirror, make hanged to ourselves and set the example we want through ourself. We can then imagine better and look towards the better future


yeah it can be tough. We need to also be willing to tell people when they are wrong too. If no one calls people on their bullshit then they are likely to keep bullshitting ;)

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