[PHILOSOPHY] On Nietzsche & The Übermensch Concept

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

I wonder if there's a more misunderstood book than Friedrich Nietzsche's "Also Sprach Zarathustra" (Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for All and None.) There are as many interpretations of the book as there are interpreters. Who hasn't heard about the German Nazis' attempt to adapt Nietzsche to the National Socialist ideology? Those who today study modern social science or philosophy, can hardly avoid to be confronted with Nietzsche's philosophy in one form or another. In the continental philosophy, Nietzsche has come to play a dominant role thanks to the efforts of philosophers like Foucault and Derrida.

Nietzsche wrote:

"I am not a human being, I am dynamite."

In a sense, Nietzsche was right. When his work detonated, European philosophy, for better or worse, was not recognizable anymore. But Nietzsche's philosophy was and is not only a strict academic affair. Nietzsche has always aroused strong feelings even among non-philosophers. The object of this article therefore is to explore what it is in Nietzsche's philosophy that has made so many non-academics to raise their eyebrows. The answer is Nietzsche's concept of the "Übermensch" (overman).

"I teach you the Übermensch. Man is something that shall be overcome. What have you done to overcome him?… All beings so far have created something beyond themselves; and do you want to be the ebb of this great flood, and even go back to the beasts rather than overcome man? What is ape to man? A laughing stock or painful embarrassment. And man shall be that to overman: a laughingstock or painful embarrassment. You have made your way from worm to man, and much in you is still worm. Once you were apes, and even now, too, man is more ape than any ape... Lo, I am a herald of the lightning, and a heavy drop out of the cloud: the lightning, however, is the Übermensch."

It's not difficult to understand why a concept like "Übermensch" arouse bad blood in egalitarian-oriented cultures. Nor should there be any doubt that Nietzsche would be hostile to much of what today comes under the heading "gender policy".

The basis of Nietzsche's philosophical reflection consists of a realization of an impending crisis without precedent in human history: the death of God. For a culture that has built up his human; moral and natural perception around this axiom, this is an event of almost unimaginable dimensions. Suddenly man recognizes that no compensation will be paid to the victims of injustice and that no rewards will be awarded to those who renounced the good life for the sake of others. In a blow the basis of conventional morality are snatched away. Man is demoted to a simple animal in a morally neutral universe.

For Nietzsche, the death of God isn't the real problem. The religious crisis is problematic because of everything that it causes. Such an effect is nihilism. The nihilist can't see successful people as positive examples. In them, the nihilist only sees an intimidating confirmation of their own inadequacy. This explains, according to Nietzsche, the nihilists or herd human's hatred toward those who differ. Nietzsche was not a Darwinist. On the contrary, he argued that Darwin was wrong on several points. For Nietzsche, it was beyond doubt that the strong would perish and the weak survive for the simple reason that the latter were so many more.

Nietzsche never concealed his aversions for Christianity, and he hoped that the old, religiously influenced and universal morality would be replaced by more individualized sets of maxims.

"Are you a new strength and a new right? A first motion? A self-rolling wheel? Can you even compel the stars to revolve around you? ... Can you give yourself your own evil and good, and set up your own will as a law over you? Can you be judge for yourself, and avenger of your law?"

It's therefore in the light of this enormous destruction process that one should view the concept of "Übermensch". The Übermensch is an individual who's capable of giving himself an ethics and a purpose in a time when the morality systems are in resolution.

But Nietzsche was no dreamer. He was fully aware that man would never be able to bear the realization of the absences of cosmic justice without a certain degree of organized "mirror fencing". Art, therefore, plays a central role in Nietzsche's philosophy. The artwork aestheticize and dramatize the unbearable. The artist creates a the aesthetic of doom and destruction, which makes it possible for the individual to regard himself and his life as something, at the same time, futile and grand. Nietzsche's aim was to with the help of philosophy and poetry help beautify the intolerable and inevitable, and the result was one of the most beautiful books in the world.

"I will join the creators, the reapers, and the rejoicers: I will show them the rainbow, and all the steps to the Overman. I will sing my song to the lonesome and to the twosome; and to whoever who still has ears for the unheard, I will make his heart heavy with my happiness. I make for my goal, I follow my course; over the loitering and tardy I will leap. Thus let my on-going be their down-going!"

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Why has philosophy become the history of philosophers? Mathematics is not the history of mathematics. Geometry is taught withiut telling about Euclid. It is a bit too much subjectivity fir my taste. I prefer to do my own philosophy and be as objective as possible. I generally see philosophers as extremely dangerous.

also interesting his belief we cant truly surpass nihilsm, in addition to that. Overman concept takes part of nihilsm; without the given-up apathy (the last man in TSZ)

transcendental humanism. maybe not possible without evolution, actual evolution, which with innovation we may be approaching. who knows how long that will take; science and tech can move so quickly, then suddenly hit a stagnant phase of equilibrium.

Great topic thank you

So, in the last quote, is he saying it's necessary to step on others to get further down the road toward the goal?

resignation toward the people who may be left behind. zarathustra goes from nihilism (cave)to the expression of wanting to teach, something i think becomes a quality to anyone developing a weltanschuuang (sorry for pretencious term) --my take anyway, long time, years since I read book, but read it many times the mysterious nature and allegory really interesting; i think some analogy to zoroastrianism, early religions, as dionysian essentially pagan. as is apollonian; Christianity too focused on living for death (focused on ticket to heaven). So that being pervasive at the time, religiousness, was one thing he thought ppl couldnt but should overcome; very controversial for the time:

'God is Dead'

wow Im amazed i remember so much of that theorizing

Also there is no goal. Nietzsche was due to his fascination with pre-platonic philosophy and religion a pioneer of introducing the concept of cirkular worldviews into Europeasn thinking. He was also like everyone else at the time, proccupied with evolution, and I guess that this is a more appropriate frame to see this in. The übermensch is no longer human and Zaratustra is not an übermensch, just a prophet of his/her coming.

An often overlooked part of Nietzsche's thinking is the part he played in modern psychology, and to me Also sprach Zaratustra is in many ways very concrete psychological analysis of human mentality. The last man, the old woman. These are (also) the psychological forces that keep man from realising his creative potential. (And also evil portraits of real humans as is the nature of the parable). I am still to this day (I read this book mainly in my youth 17-19) sometimes thinking in terms of Wille zur macht when confronted with other humans. The book is quite acute in it's psychological examples.

Of course I know that Nietzsche was in many ways fighting his own demons in the book, and even though I am an artist, I am still aware that this book (a bit contrary to what @steemswede writes) not is about art, but what transcends it.

Nietzsche would have hated Steemit :)

also misunderstood, the prince, atlas shrugged and ulysses. thanks for the post.

Did any individuum actually achieve the Übermensch stage? Or we all just became small ants in a gigantic ant house?

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