You're red pilled. Now what? How to deal with the Matrix (especially in Scandinavia )

As a Steemian the chances are that you have been red pilled. Maybe not completely, but at least to some degree. How do you deal with people that aren't? Those who laugh at your ventures. Those who don't believe in your business idea. Those who believe you're greedy, or tells you to "go get a real job, who do you think you are"?, and family members who constantly tries to pull you back into "normality"


The process, or rather the journey from a "normal" person is a rather extreme one. To change your mindset from consumer-slave thinking to independent objective rational thinking is a mindfuck of epic proportions. Personally that journey took many years, and there were so many stages. From realizing there must be something more to life to sort out emotional issues this journey is both eye opening yet exhausting. To realize that the reality you are conditioned to believe in is in many ways false. The narrative you're being not only told, but conditioned into from an early age - that emphasises on "you need an education", "you need to be an employee", "you have to learn how to behave and write a good job application", but also it groomes your natural instinct to want to fit in. It messes with your value system. Instead of valuing things like spending time with family, freeing up time, working on personal improvements, and incentivize business instinct, it really just makes into this tense depraved creature that wants to reach the moral highground of that system.


What I mean with that is the cognitive disonnance you can see with your typical state official employee, your typical office worker or teacher. These people claim to hold such high values, yet they have never questioned them. Their values have been jammed down their throats by the educational-indoctrinational system, and since these people fitted in, and was taken care of by it, they never saw any need to question it.

These people are real, and I assume they are the same in any country. These are the people that claim to be morally good, but the most important thing for them is to be liked - so their values aren't really that important to them. They are what I call "the cultural elite", but they are no elite at all, because most people like to think of themselves as the "cultural elite". like I said, it's the typical teacher. Sure enough, an intelligent person with an education (in indoctrination) who has socialist/communist inclinations. And since the communist idea goes against human nature, there is a dissonnance there. They themselves have no interest in producing or achieving. They have never been able to see the value of taking risk, because they have never learned that risk is something you should attempt to try. You should play it safe, by the book, don't stand out. So they demonize the person taking risk. They demonize the business owner who lived in a small room, sold the car and traded years of his/her time to create something that will pay him LATER. His mindset was long term. He valued patience. Five years later he want's to get payed for that risk, but also the work he put in. And he will. Now he is hated because his patience, risk and hard work paid off. Now he is the evil business owner who earns too much. What would his business be without the poor worker? The same poor worker he hired. The poor worker that has a chance of making money because of someone elses risk and time. The business will surely collapse if it wasn't for the worker!? No, the worker wouldn't have a job if it wasn't for the creator.


Now our teacher will call the businessman vulgar. The businessman is a greedy vulgar person who stands out too much. Where did HE come from? Who does he think he is? He must have a small penis I'm sure, for driving that fancy car. I have so much better values. At the same time they hire black labour to fix their house which they were able to pay for with their non-risk government job which is very very generously paid. I'm sure the teacher could afford a nice car too, but (and this may be more relevant in Scandinavia than any other country on earth) he would rather own the correct car, than a flashy one. I'm not saying that everyone want's a flashy car - and some people just want to get from A to B - including myself actually. But I've seen this so many times. The pure hatred and disgust when these people see a nice car. "Omg, that car is "harry" (yes, we even have a word that describes people that are not "normal"), he must have a really small penis, who cares about cars - they're just about getting from A to B. At the same time they make sure they own the correct car. How do I know this? Well, that's because in Norway most people - and especially these people own VW Passat station wagons, Toyota Avensis station wagon, Volvo station wagon or Skoda Octavia station wagon. An Audi A6 or BMW 5 series is considered pretty "harry", but it's acceptable if it's a station wagon. For God forbid your not being practical! To own a sedan is immideately Harry. If you buy a sedan you signal that you don't own a cabin in the mountains or you don't go skiing. You hardly ever see a sedan in Norway.

Now, you may think I'm putting too much into this. But let me argue some more. The thing is that they could easily have bought a MORE practical car, if the point was to be practical and get the most car for your bucks. There are clever sportbacks and hatchbacks, KIA's or Hyundais which is more than enough car and space for your average family. BUT, that signals another important faux pauxs in Scandinavia especially; "You're cheap" And there is nothing more Harry than saving money, using food coupons, discounts, going to Sweden to buy cheaper food (another word for that - you can imagine, no one call their child Harry anymore, which used to be a pretty normal name) etc.

So, to sum it up. You're not supposed to be flashy, rich or in any way vulgar. And at the same time you can't save money, talk about money, drive cheap cars or to live in small home. That's a disgrace. The most important thing for a norwegian especially, is to own a nice big house. No one owns houses like Norwegians. People will get into so much debt (6-7 times their annual income) to get that dream house. And the funniest part about that is that most norwegian houses, your average norwegian house is so butt ugly, and compared to a normal american house, they look like trailer homes.

Ok, so to the ONE person that bothered reading this far - how to deal with this insanity?

So let's say you're an explorer. You get Tai Lopez ads all in your face, you have a couple of online businesses, or maybe a start up or a service. You're into cryptos, you want to build wealth, you like capitalism, you have more or less conservative values. You didn't judge Trump before he even stepped into office. You see what's going on in Venezuela, and you really don't think communism and socialism is that good. You are able to think long term, and even if things are OK now, you see troubles on the horizon. You see problems with unregulated immigration, and you believe there are cultural differences, different sets of value, etc. You're basically Hitler.


How do you deal with friends and family who say things like; "are you still busting your ass off with that thing? Shouldn't you just apply for a job at the grocery store? Remember, these are the same people who think working in a grocery store is "harry", basically beneath them. The same people who don't treat the cashier with respect or even a greeting. But they rather see you there, than to see you become a representative for the ultimate evil - happiness, joy and fulfilling your dreams.

The way you deal with that is to never get too emotional. Just let them spew their bullshit and stay strong to your moral codes. We are trained to take responsibility for other peoples feelings. We feel like we have to protect them against us. We don't want THEM to feel bad, or to offend THEM, but we have no problems with them offending us. So once you realize that it's not your responsibility if they get offended, it's so much easier. And the amazing thing is that they eventually give up. After a while they realize you're not the same unhappy miserable bunch of unsolved emotions that you used to be - and they let you go on your way.

I think we in some ways are way too scared of offend people. "What if they realize they did so much wrong choices and they could live like us and be happy?" You just have to stop being afraid to offend people with your lifestyle. You don't have to go into defensive mode and explain yourself.

When I realized that things got much easier. I'm a minimalist, so no, we're not going to New York this autumn. No, I enjoy this apartement. I don't want a big house that I have to clean and keep orderly all the time. No, I don't believe in climate change.
So what if the person gets offended. What's the worst thing that can happen? They stop calling you? Great. Now you don't have to waste spending time with that person. That's on them.

**Sorry about the "all over the place". I'm not a great writer - I'm very aware of that :)
Hope you found some value in it anyways! My gut feeling says I should just delete it, because it's messy and maybe not very great. And five years ago I would have. Now I just think, nah..I've spent too much time writing it, and if one guy or girl get any value from it, it's worth it. **


I read it 😉 I think in South Africa we are freer and less judgemental, although there is an element of it. Or it could be I just don't care what anyone thinks. If you don't like me....yeah, don't call!!!

Thanks! :) Yeah, there are definitely many countries that are much better. Scandinavian countries are probably among the worst. I'll write more about the "law of jante", but you can google it and check it out. :) It's first law is; "you shall not think you're any better than anyone else"

Really good article. As a fellow Norwegian, and cryptoexplorer i must say i see myself in many of the things you write.
I hoped for donald trump to win rather than that corrupt witch, mainly because she represented the rotten system i see everywhere. When I speak about the corruption in Norway, the arguments is that the system works and everyones happy.

In this stage I have quit my job, and spending ALL my time with my daugther, until she starts kindergarden.

I have little, or no understanding for my timeconsuming study of cryptos from other people, as bitcoin is "to late" or "ponzi-schemes" all over.

Great post! Lets push to make Steeming the new normal

Thank you! Yes, Steemit can change so much!

Those people telling me that I should do something less risky is kinda fueling me.

And I like to prove them wrong and maybe inspire them to try to do so too.

Let's continue doing what our guts are telling us, that worked out for me so far. No extra overthinking needed when you feel you r doing the right thing.

Nice post man thanks!

Great article mate. Made perfect sense to me and i agree it...cheers

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