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RE: Taming The Tempest & Surfing The Tides Of Change

in #philosophy4 years ago

So glad your worst fears were unfounded my friend and helped you channel your energy into your body of work. Life takes us on some bumpy old paths, but the journey inside ourselves is full of surprising strengths, uncovered and recalled.
This will probably not be 'the event', but they will use it to maximise the learning opportunities it provides for AI. That is why your 'do not fear' what is coming message is important, because if fear allows them to exert most control, then that is what they will learn to use in future. Be love instead and disrupt the programme. We are here for a reason and it is time to remember ;)


Hey @ricia .. very sorry, not sure how I missed this. Thank you for the kind words my friend I really appreciate it. It has been a bumpy road, but the comprehensions I've obtained through this last year will play out within the elucidations of my writing for many years to come. Obviously I was using myself as an example, but the concept speaks to us all .. we all go through times of calm and turbulance and our society and indeed our mother earth are no different. It's the same movement/process ... just that many have become so detached from it that they fail to acknowledge it, and become lost within their inner darkness.

Yes, I very much feel that our responses are all being tracked and monitored, in relation to my previous social engineering post its interesting because many elements feel scripted, including the language and terms that they're using. Within the minds of the public, the concepts of forced isolation, martial law and food shortages have all been brought into the greater realm of possibility and whatever happens this provides a new foundation from which to build upon. I'm all with you on the love perspective my friend and have lots of beautiful ideas to share in my book, I have 3 more deep dives to prepare then that will free my mind to get into some other areas I want to discuss. Thank you @ricia

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