
I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean. Can you please explain?

A little background on my own families feminist fight. My (edit) great- great grandmother (1873) divorced her husband in the divorce he bought her an apple farm in Odell Oregon. Back in those days if you didn't own property you couldn't vote and or depending on the state you couldn't vote if you were a women or minority. Which left mostly white men with the ability to vote. My Grandmothers farm saved our family from the Great Depression...all the women throughout my families history in America and Europe and my Blackfoot lineage owned businesses and were major providers for our families, we were also married and sometimes not married...

As a female I do not want the privilege to work myself to death which is happening to has happened to a lot of men and women I've known. I do not want to be conscripted to go to war, only see my children in the early morning and late evening after they spend their day being cared for and taught by the state and people who may or may not care for them. Oh wait, feminism has brought me this privilege ....Obama has the papers ready to sign to let women fight on the front lines. Yeah I have the right to become canon fodder just like my beloved son!

Men's role in this society is fucked, I do not want to be like or have equal roles as a slave, wait...we are all slaves, slaves have no rights.

Your Lego argument was confusing and reminded me of the word...Eristic, (from Greek eristikos, “fond of wrangling”), argumentation that makes successful disputation an end in itself rather than a means of approaching truth. Such argumentation reduces philosophical inquiry to a rhetorical exercise. Eristic argument is closely associated with the Sophists and was ridiculed by Plato in his dialogue Euthydemus. The term is often used more broadly to characterize arguments that rely on subtle but specious forms of reasoning.

Professor Sommers brings the research done by Lego as "proof" for the difference preferences of boys and girls. She wants us to think that this was a scientific experiment that objectively showed that there is a difference, while in fact it may have just shown that Lego's campaigns to target boys specifically was successful. That was the point I was making.

The gender argument along with racist argument is a tool used by authority to divide and conquer. If you look at the rest of the world America has more freedom to express oneself as one wishes than anywhere else in the world, especially if you are a woman. But if you are in a certain class, if you are poor, you have very little freedom no matter what gender you are.

I have avoided arguing for or against feminism because we as a people are being abused by the authority who claims it knows what is best for us. The government says we must accept medicines we do not want, eat foods poisoned by big agriculture and the corporate bottom line, our children must be educated by the state, our property and labor are taxed, which means if we don't pay our taxes the government can take it, we have been enslaved through debt not our own through a private banking system, we can have our land, property, children taken by the state. We can be thrown in jail without due process ....that should be our argument regarding freedom, no one is free living in America right now.

America's Patriot Act violates five of the ten cherished amendments of the Bill of Rights: freedom of speech and assembly, protection from unreasonable search and seizure, due process, prompt public trial, and protection from cruel and unusual punishment. Though this act was passed by Congress, the executive branch's classification of secrets demonstrates an evaporating desire to share information with the legislative branch. Even if subsequent administrations reverse these policies, the damage has already been done. The Second World

How Emerging Powers Are Redefining Global Competition in the Twenty-first Century
by Parag Khanna, p332

I raised 3 girls and 1 boy and had most the neighborhood kids over to my house because I would let them run free on our farm, a hundred acres bordered up next to thousands of acres of wilderness. There is difference in genders, one may have a penis or one may have a vagina, and then some have both...lolol... but there is an overlap in behaviors, in our Native American society we have two spirit people who may not fit the main gender roles and can choose spiritual and creative roles that fit the mix. My boy and no problem hunting but my girls could not stand hurting anyone. However, I can butcher and eat animals I care for without a problem. My girls liked to please when young, my boy and the other boys had not a care in the world regarding pleasing anyone. All of us can sew, build houses, fix anything mechanical, we are also gifted athletes. Both genders love their kids and family. Only one gender can give birth though, the other gender protects during the time of the females vulnerability. One gender is not better than the other, we have different strengths physically and through our conditioning, which the conditioning is dependent on so many things.

I see the gender relationships as symbiotic. We care for each other through our different strengths and weaknesses. We as a society have been conditioned to see gender roles as a compitition for resources. We have been conditioned to see gender roles as abusive and subservant, even outdated.

[In America today] what matters, above race and gender, is the class one serves. John Pilger

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