Revelation 10
My mind is not a physical thing, although science would have me believe that my mind is contained within my head, a non-physical thing cannot be contained in any specific place.
My body is a physical thing, and it exists as perfect balance to my mind being non-physical. Space is physical, and time is the perception of how space is processed as it changes in each moment.
My body is space and my mind is time, body being everything that I can see or experience in the space around me. Like this tree for example.
Very good shot! <3
Well saying with this good example
@pinacle the mind and body are not separate what affects one , affects the other .. Your Body hears everythinkg your mind says :)
Mind is the real person and body is only a possession.
I agree with, body is space and my mind is time,truly the body is physical as it can be touches, felt while the mind is related time, keep sharing such posts, thanks
A man is but the product of his thoughts; what he thinks, he becomes
use the best time possible for good before doom comes. the mind is the center of activity because before doing something, we have to think, the limbs only impose the mind @pinacle
You are essentially who you create yourself to be and all that occurs in your life is the result of your own making.
Our mind and consciousness is pure Light energy. This light energy keeps our body intact, and when we "transition" our mind and consciousness leaves the physical body. By practising mental Silence we release our toxic thoughts patterns and become more aware in the dream state. The state of sleeping is like "transitioning" only that in the latter we are no longer tethered to our physical body. The more we practise mental Silence and release outdated thought patterns the more we undo inner fears and worries and can deliver deeper into our subconscious in the dream state. Here, we can get glimpses into future lifetimes and much more. Taking record of our dreams in combination with practising mental Silence is THE key to transitioning most wonderfully! :)
nice words
Green and blue