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RE: Lucid Dreaming: Techniques to Induce Conscious Sleep

in #philosophy7 years ago

This is a bit old, but I'll still comment. Between your fourth and third i.e superficial control and deep control, I personally thing the 3rd is real lucidity, I often find myself doing things not possible e.g levitating or changing scenery when not fully in control, this often leads to full lucidity where the physics becomes similar to waking life physics e.g cant walk through walls or do anything strange. I usually prefer the wake to bed method since the trigger is always automatic and you can do it on and off.

I posted two entries from my lucid dream journals in the past. here i was trying to ask dream characters personal questions. It took me like a month of reflecting on this before I remember to interrogate people in lucid dreams. See it here


Very interesting. You sound like you are quite accomplished at lucid dreaming, probably more so than I am. I've have never actually had a conversation with someone in a dream. Maybe that is something that I will try next time it happens.

mabe, I did a lot while young, the triggers were automatic but as I grew older, I maintained the interest and read a few of carlos castaneda (which I later learnt was fiction). These kept me interested and provided enough trigger in addition to the wake back to bed method you mentioned. I often kept journals but lost track of practicing during busy periods which often last for months. I recently moved the journals to Evernote after losing physical notes but I've only had one or two lucid dreams the whole year.
About discussions with dream characters, I think you just have to be obsessed with the idea then the memory will transfer to your dream memory (I don't think we have access to our full working memory while dreaming).

I will like to read the entry once you get to do it, see how intelligent/or not and how seemingly autonomous their thought process is.

Carlos Castaneda - Yes!!! I loved the entire series. Especially Journey to Ixtlan. Yeah there is a lot of mystery around the books being fiction or non-fiction. Either way, I think the books have a lot to offer.

Yeah, I should get back into lucid dreaming. Its been a little while for me as well. Life gets busy and for me lucid dreaming is very challenging and a lot of work. I will keep in mind the conversations with dream characters idea in mind though for next time I have a lucid dream.

That's true, I was angry when I found out they were just fiction but they still have a lot to teach regardless. I think i will dig up my copies and read again, the teachings of don Juan, second ring and journey to Ixtlan.
I can relate to not having time to pursue that interest but I will work my schedule towards it so I can do the wake to bed at least.
Please post your entries if you do have some lucid dreams and do the interrogations.

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