The Art Of Co-Parenting - How To Avoid The BabyMama Drama

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

Some might call bullshit, some might claim it's impossible and some people try to pawn it off as a "it's complicated," type of relationship but I'm here to break the news that, it is possible and not complicated.. takes a bit of practice but very much something worth trying to accomplish.. I'm here to share with you..

You see.. I'm a 33 year old father with too much shizznazz going on to even be worried about being SINGLE. I find it easier to deal with my son's mom and her crazy shenanigans when I ignore my desire to spoil myself with my own crazy shenanigans.

This philosophy helped me come to the decision that.. despite how bad the relationship was between my son's momma and I, it wouldn't hold me back from cherishing every moment that I can with my son. It meant that I would put all my needs and wants to the side, bite my tongue and allow my son to enjoy memories with both "Momma & Dadda" which is something I firmly believe is vital to every child's development.

Whether your curious or not and I know some of you are... I'm a single 33 year old father with so much business going on and soo much philosophy and wisdom to offer my son as I guide him through his early years. As much as I would love to take advantage of being single, his needs and wants come first and of course, the business follows after. I've spent the past year either working on television, films and spending as much quality time with my son. I find it very hard to not think about what he's doing whenever I'm away from him for more then a couple days. My parental instincts mixed with high anxiety really take my imagination to another level and I find myself constantly calling, texting or bugging the crap out of his momma to make sure he's in no danger.

Now you've seen a few post where I have included my "babymama"

and you probably assumed that we are together..

This might surprise you, when I say, no we are not but we try to be as close as we can to help make my son's life a more pleasant and happy life. In all honesty.. we probably both want to throat punch each other every 5 minutes and gouge out each others eyes every time we have to look at each other but we've both come to an agreement that pouring gasoline on each other and lighting a match.. will not be such a pleasant thing to do for the sake of my son.

I know what your thinking...

Actually I don't but I figured it's a good way to keep you reading by acting like I could read minds.. which I can't

When it comes to co-parenting the struggle comes in trying to separate and organize your personal life to best suit your current situation. I, as you know.. am a professional actor who is a public figure and always in the spotlight. Maybe I'm spoiled by this quirk which is one of many quirks that come with the business but because of it.. I find myself looking for people to share the experiences with. I'm not too invested in many of the "old" friends from the neighborhood, mostly because it's just a bad neighborhood and everybody is out to take advantage of you, I usually resort to bringing my son with me to share the experiences with and it's because of this.. his momma get's to enjoy the spoils of war as well...

Don't get me wrong

I would love to do the dating thing and look for that "special someone" but the fact that I really don't see the urgency of the matter, is enough for me to not really be obsessed or actively looking for her. In all reality... I've already fallen in love with someone else which obviously didn't work out and although I can point fingers and hold grudges for interfering with that development.. I've chosen to look past yet another bitter action and try to maintain a balanced friendship with my "babymama."

I'm unsure if this post is sounding pathetic or not or if I just sound like a sick lost puppy needing to be put out of my misery... either way, I just felt like I wanted to share this information with you and give anybody with similar problems, hope. You might be dealing with bullshit with your child's other parent and yes.. I'm sure there are a crap ton of times you want to murder the hell out of them and their family and bury them in the desert so you could move on in life with your child and forget about the "other half" they came from. Let's take a breather and think about this logically... your child needs the love of Mommy and Daddy and he/she will be able to pass that same love to their kids when that time comes.

Eventually there will come a time when we have to accept the reality of the situation, move on and grow up.. our child will only be a child for so long and that's time I'm not willing to lose regardless. Co-parenting ain't a piece of cake, a walk in the park and damn well not always fun.. it's a struggle, sometimes a cruel and unusual punishment you agreed to take part in, ONLY for the benefit of your child. When another opportunity for a new relationship or love life comes around requiring more attention, remains to be seen. Until then, I look to continue down the same path of success in my career and lifestyle as a father and professional actor.

I hope you enjoyed this random rambling from me and more importantly shed a bit of light on any skeptics or critics of the idea of "co-parenting". Believe me when I say... it can be done, it takes a bit of practice, negotiating, moderating and sacrifice but I assure you... it can be done. When it's all said and done and one of us is in a grave... best believe the other is going to be pissing on that grave.

Till Next Time... Adios Amigos


Even when husband and wife are separated, both must have the interests of their child at heart.

O yea, definitely

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