It Is Time For Philosophy To Become The King Of All Our Sciences?

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

I'll say it again; It is time for philosophy to become the king of all our sciences?


Philosophy seems cool at the moment.

Yes, it's everywhere; From Google's driverless cars, to youtube channels and even the NBC sitcom "The Good Place" where a young girl dies, get a ticket to heaven and an old philosopher helps make her a better person. Crazy I know.

What I feel is cool about it all is that it never really stopped being cool for me.

Classical philosophy often presents itself in popular culture movies like "The Matrix" and "Inception".

Everyone knows "The Matrix" presents the classic "brain in a vat" question.


But what got me interested in philosophy?

At University I studied science, but found none of the fundamental questions were being answered there for me.

I studied a room-mates philosophy books, and found something much more fundamental that offered me immediate gratification. I remember feeling really estatic and almost passing into a relaxed state afterwards.

Suddenly it wasn't about getting a corporate job with my degree anymore, but to try and become a better person.

I finally found a way out of my own emotional maze, and believed I had found the king of all our sciences.

People could indeed logically deduce their own emotional migraines and escape their own Matrix.

I found it all helped with my study problems, relationship problems and also left a little spare to keep my writers block in check.

I think it's really important that we teach philosophy to young children as it makes great sense for them to be smarter and have a stronger emotional intelligence (EQ) overall.

Arise philosophy, the true king of all the sciences in my eyes.



Yes, it's everywhere; From Google's driverless cars, to youtube channels and even the NBC sitcom "The Good Place" where a young girl dies, get a ticket to heaven and an old philosopher helps make her a better person. Crazy I know.

I think you are confusing sophism with philosophy. Science is basically philosophy 2.0 since it incorporates epistemology. If you study Karl Popper you will see that falsifiability, the backbone of real science, is a philosophical term.

i don't see how those examples are related to the idea of distinguishing sophism from philosophy. those examples just present hypotheticals that can be examined using logic.

wouldn't you have to have a specific argument present to even be able to employ any sophism or before any sophism could even be detected?

in my opinion, philosophy is more fundamental than science, since pure logic requires much fewer assumptions to work as a self-consistent system. so i'd think of science as a subset of rather than successor to philosophy.

for example, regarding the falsifiability aspect, which is a necessary component to forming valid hypotheses, has its limits. like godel's first incompleteness theorem?

"Any consistent formal system F within which a certain amount of elementary arithmetic can be carried out is incomplete; i.e., there are statements of the language of F which can neither be proved nor disproved in F."

This applies to mathematics, but again, I think math is more fundamental than science, so i'd think it'd also apply. not sure though :)

philosophy -> math -> science

I think you might be right my wise @kyriacos :) Thank you for passing by.

not just the king of all the sciences, but the foundation, without which, no other science can stand.

That is a very clever sentence. Foundation is everything in science. Great comment!

It Is Time For Philosophy To Become The King Of All Our Sciences?

No. Philosophy, Science, and Time do not exist...

You don't exist.

A holographic display of frequencies instead??

;) LIKE!

i definitely think you're right about philosophy entering the consciousness of the mainstream, because i definitely feel it too. but i have no idea WHY?

also, check out the show "black mirror". it's like a bunch of 1 episode kurt vonnegut vingettes that explore the interaction of humanity and technology, stuff like transhumanism.

thanks for the post :)

I think because of the failure of globalisation, people are looking for a deeper meaning to their lives, but there are many social and economic reasons I'm sure.

P.S. I will check out 'Black Mirror' (thanks @hyperbolicist!)

Excellent article from the heart @mindhunter

Thank you ... I hope philosophy helps you find some comfort in life.

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