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RE: Lies for a better child

in #philosophy6 years ago

I lie to my kids constantly, earnestly and enthusiastically.
I pitch the lie to be something they're equipped to discern as such, and watch them think it through before calling me on it.
It's the best feeling. Knowing I'm giving them the tools and habit to critically assess everything they're told.


For me, it is about providing the tools and then hopefully, ingraining the sense of responsibility on how and why to use them. I like making up stories and watching her figure it out too. Simple things for now but each day, they are becoming more complex. If one can manipulate a child into being able to critically think for themselves, are they brainwashed at all?

Innoculate them against deception.
If I pitch too high and they believe it, then I start introducing inconsistencies between the new lie and contradictory information they already hold true; until the friction is apparent.
Ironically, my Dad used to do the same to me :)

Ironically, my Dad used to do the same to me :)

*Obviously, my Dad used to do the same to me :)

So far, my daughter is very attentive and notices slight changes in a room or a person's appearance, clothes etc. I hope to be able to help that part of her flourish a little as she seems to enjoy the remembering and ordering of information to find the patterns or, missing pieces. I know, she is only two....

Start 'em young. Don't raise a sucker.

Hmmm !! Another confessed programmer here!! The children are ROBOT!! Bizarre , but TRUE!

But WHO, WHAT Programs or PROGRAMMED @mattclarke???

I believe there are truths written in our hearts.
Trying to deny them is the cause of most of the world's suffering.

Revealed TRUTHS are being confirmed here NOW!! I am blushing because TWO spirits are attesting to ETERNAL TRUTH.
Yes?? Could it be @alaisguineasis is denying an epistle engraved in his heart?? Hmm!!

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