Falling on your knees

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

Hello all, This is my fourth post as I search to hit the right tone on steemit and develop a base, I try to reach out in different topics to see where the interest of the population lies as well as provide educational and/or informative posts that have some value.

Today is a post about "Falling on your knees" before your Lord Jesus Christ and asking for forgiveness.   Now I know that there are people who don't believe in God and there are that do.  One thing that I will cover in this post, is something that both sides have in common.  

Since February of 2017 I came back to Christ.  Yes I was there before and I failed to do the one thing that could protect me from going astray.  That is I failed to fall on my knees and ask for forgiveness when I failed to be on the right path and ask for guidance.  

 Its amazing thing when you pray and ask for forgiveness.  

One thing I have learned is to ask myself often now, what do I care about the most right now.   If Jesus Christ is your answer than you are living correctly.   If not, fall on your knees and correct it.  I have noticed myself stray away many times because I keep thinking that I know what I am doing, I know what I am allowed to do, I know what I am not allowed to do, but I also noticed that I fall on my knees more often everyday, why?  Because the closer I attempt to get to Jesus, the more my eyes open up to how the path is so difficult and how much I fail to keep Jesus Christ #1 In my heart.  I as a human lust for the things here on earth, I can't deny that, I like them.  But more I lust for them the less I connect to Christ, the more my feelings become overwhelming, the more difficulty I have in church listening and understanding the sermons and connecting with people.  I tell myself, I got this, I can fix it.  I see what Solomon was saying in the book of Proverbs:

Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

One thing in common believers and non believers have is a desire to like something or want something, whatever that is in your heart, that is what you will radiate and others will feel from you.  If you believe you can figure everything out on your own, you will run to a dead end at some point and get stuck its a matter of time, that I can tell you from my 32 years of experience here on earth.   

Just want to conclude with one simple statement, If you want to be a christian than be a christian, don't say you will commit to Christ on monday thru wednesday, but on thursday fill yourself with lust and sin, if you commit yourself to Christ and fail, remember the answer to fixing that, drill it in your head and never forget.   FALL ON YOUR KNEES and come to him, he loves you, he will forgive you.   His blood still runs everyday for the best of christians because we all fail, the difference is do we fall on our knees and ask for forgiveness and guidance to radiate Jesus Christ. 

God Bless all of you.

I urge you all who view this to leave a comment, we can even start a discussion.  :)  Just going to also put out there I am not a preacher I am just a normal person, trying to live a life with Christ, I am not holier than anyone I fail all the time, I have found fear for God and learned to fall on my knees all the time when I fail, so If you have informative information to educate me that is also VERY WELCOME.  Also I wanted to conclude every sunday, when I come back from church I will do a post of a summary of the sermon I listened to in church.  So check in every sunday if you want quick reading that is informative from what the bible teaches.  I am a baptist in denomination in the christian world.


Loved this line: "His blood still runs everyday for the best of christians because we all fail". SO SO true and comforting to know.

And you're exactly right, its how we respond to our shortcomings thats important. Sometimes I tend to beat myself up more than I should, and then I just sit in self-pity which can lead to a negative attitude. Instead, I should recognize my sin for what it is, but then leave it at the foot of the cross and not look back. Its tough to do sometimes, but how amazing it is that we are able to do that through Christ.

Man Paul thank you first off, and that is one thing I remember all the time, that Christ's blood runs everyday for us, its comforting to know that love is there everyday for us.

Thank you for your post, your post portrays that war between your flesh and your spirit. I pray that you will stay near Christ this time, keep on falling on your knees but only that, look up to Jesus, follow Him, put the focus on Him and not on you and I think you will find easier to overcome the flesh. If you write about christianity you can maybe make christian-trail your first tag. Try to get followers that have the same interests as you.

Hope777, thank you for stopping by and reading post! You are absolutely right, where is the focus, and apply it to Christ and its amazing how the desire for earthly things fades away. And most definitely I will post under Christian-Trail from now as my first tab, I am still kind of learning my way around.


Thank you for your extra thoughtful reply.

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Amen great post bro God is so good isn't he.. Welcome to steemit and the christian community here.

God is great he is indeed. Thank you so much for reading :)

It's unclear from your post whether you expect to keep 'falling', and whether that's inevitable, but I often wonder how sincere can an act of contrition be if one expects with a high degree of certainty that he'll fall again, in the same manner, i.e. not a 'new' sin, but the same one, over and over again. If it's so hard to resist a 'sin', that it becomes nigh impossible, it seems strange to say that you ought not to do it. How can you ought not to do something that is impossible not to do? It seems like the perfect recipe to keep people on their knees, to make demands of them that they can never fulfill, like a bank that ups the debt in a way that it can never be repaid, to keep people forever in their cuff.

Well, that is an interesting outlook on it. I have to say first and foremost, that a sin can be defeated always, it all starts with you and a confession to Christ to help you with the Holy Spirit to not only defeat and overcome and not desire it, but to actually turn away from it. (Romans 7:15 For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.) Apostle Paul writes that because our flesh is born with sin, and the only way to defeat sin is through Christ. If you are repeating the same sin, you are living not with Christ but the love of the world. You have to choose whether you want to pay off that debt or look for ways around it but you won't find one, not in the spiritual world at least, there is only one way the debt can be paid and that is through the blood of Christ. You pick what your heart desires. I know its a choice that can be hard to accept, I understand it. We love this world so much sometimes we don't understand why, when we want to love Christ we battle a extremely huge war between the flesh and the spirit. And you are right it is a demand we as in the flesh will never full fill, only Christ did, we are sinners and we always sin, because our flesh is sin, however we can grow stronger and keep praying asking for forgiveness and guidance and strength to avoid it, to overcome it, as an experiment try this if you are willing, it will work it has for me many times, when you feel like you are falling into temptations, pick up the bible and start reading it, its a filter, than pray, its like a cold shower, you will notice yourself become stronger instantly. Thank you so much for reading and responding, I hope I answered your question somewhat.

Well I'm an atheist that's why my comment maybe seemed a bit weird! It's just that to me, when I believe something is right, I do it, and when I believe something is wrong, I don't do it. I'm not saying I'm 100% successful, but most of the time I am. And so it's strange to me when I hear Christians 'failing' all the time, and then praying, and thinking they've gained forgiveness, and then go and do the same thing again. It smacks of hypocrisy somehow. I mean, take the Buddhists. Those people are serious about what they claim they believe! They renounce all earthly possessions, sex, they meditate all day, they live simply, etc. Muslims are pretty faithful to their religion too. It just seems to me, when it comes to being true to your religion, Christians are some of the worst, and I'm trying to understand why. I think it might be because their belief isn't very strong, or because they live in a very 'atheist' and scientific culture, and they feel themselves being tagged this way and that. And this whole 'pardoning of sins' deal gives them a free pass to commit sins, since they can always repent afterwards.

Well, regardless of religion I am sure if you were to ask anyone in any religion all have fell short somewhere, somehow, I base that on a simple fact that as humans we are just naturally always short of 100% almost all the time. I see your point on Christians having the ability to ask for forgiveness and moving on forward, that is a luxury our religion has, because our religion has a Christ who died and his blood was the payment for past, present and future sin. Our bible teaches price for sin is death. (Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.) Regarding repeating sin, its not normal, when you accept Christ a manifestation happens or is suppose to inside you, where if you truly accepted Christ, you feel the sin lets say the one you always repeat, you feel its wrong and you are suppose to turn away from it and not desire it, I believe the difference is in desire, sometimes our flesh does things but we don't like it, sometimes our flesh does things and we like it. I am no professional when it comes to Christianity however that is how I feel about it. Also sin can be forgiven, but certain things on earth you will have to live through for example, if you commit murder and truly ask for forgiveness God will forgive you, because Jesus's blood has no discrimination, sin is sin, however that doesn't mean you won't be spending time in prison.

A bending knee before Christ is a strengthened life.

I agree, I don't think there is any other way to have a relationship with Christ, if you truly want to be a Christian you will have to fall on your knee sometime and say darn it I failed here, this is where I need to improve, you see my heart and my intention, and my desire is to love you more, help me Christ. Thank you so much for the reesteem!!!! You are awesome.

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