Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People, Especially Children

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)


Hello reader, do you unconsciously believe life is constantly pooping on you, that there’s a mighty mephistopheles out there always laying traps and trying to get at you? Just in 14 days, the mother of X was admitted to the hospital, she was admitted with ridiculous bills X can’t afford, during the period of this 14 days X drowned into a river of debt, X’s wife even decided to leave X and separate, for X has no more good to offer. I am cursed! X admits.

Do you unconsciously believe that you are cursed? Maybe at some point in your life you had these beliefs enveloped in your poor helpless heart?

Ha! I’ve had enough of the wickedness of God! I do not wish to listen to you! I don’t believe in anything anymore!

Hey, Bitch (in Kendrick Lamar’s voice)


SIT down.


I believe it is very normal and understandable that we as humans always seek to want to try and make sense of the various horrible things and conditions children just find themselves in, in this life.

In this article, I wish to provide answers from a spiritual and metaphysical perspective, to help us develop a better understanding of this topic.

Before we go into “Why Bad Things Happen To Good People.”

We need to excrete some waste products from our mind and feed our mind with something more nutritious to our soul.

Let’s Talk About Duality And Polarity

This is an entire topic in its own. And I’ll try my best to put it in the briefest case possible.


Since forever, we have been taught to believe that there’s some force, outside of us, that’s in charge our life. We blindly accepted it and at this stage of the world most people prefer this explanation to one which presents our responsibility unto us.

Before we can make any attempt to answer the question of “Why Bad Things Happen To Good People” we have to face the first problem, which is of this question being viewed in a very shallow and biased way.

The specific problem is in the way we use the word “bad”, it’s just so highly subjective. What is "bad" differs from culture to culture, and also between different people. It becomes different over time, as people minds and perceptions change.

What people call “bad” is pure human judgement and nothing immanent to the universe itself.

Since forever, we were possessed into believing in Duality and its illusions - This is the reason for conflict and disunity in the world.

We have been taught to understand the world by judging and labeling everything in it as “good” or “bad”. Everyone is literally-literally a victim of this conditioning as we see the world through the lens of “sufferers” and “wrongdoers”.

You need to withdraw from the illusion of duality. Duality divides, separates and creates conflict. Duality is used to create a “me versus you” "us versus them" way of thinking and causes human beings to fight and even murder each other.

Believing in duality is a product of narrow perception of things.

Polarity on the other side has a positive and negative that attract each other, this positive and negative are complementary forces that work together to create balance. Think of it like this, okay, when you grab a guitar and you pick a string, it vibrates right? Perfect. During its cause of vibration it produces a low pitch “bad” and high pitch “good”, this is just how duality interprets things when you are in its illusion.

Terrible, Right?

But with polarity, you go up and down the scale to create beautiful music where the low notes compliments the high notes not go against it. When you go up and down the scale in a way that the low notes do not compliment the high notes the music becomes a cup of poop, trash.

This is how Creation works, not through conflicting or opposing forces, but Everything complimenting and coming together to create a beautiful song.

Duality is the highest form of separation for this is EXACTLY what causes problems in our personal lives and the world as a whole.

Totally scrap off from your heart, the perception of duality. It’s killing you.


“Bad” things are “good” things and “good” things are “bad” things

In one of my earliest articles on steemit, I wrote a bit on this topic. And I’ll brush up on it now for the wholeness of this article.

The best thing we can do for ourselves in this lifetime and any other lifetime we ever find ourselves, is to rear and make stronger our connection to our soul, or spirit, or consciousness. Whichever of these words you relate with best.

For in whole of life, this is the only thing that really matters, to ensure a life of peace and harmony.

What you perceive as bad, could actually be what is best for your soul, or spirit, or consciousness. Whichever of these words you relate with best. And also, same thing goes for what you perceive as good for yourself.

Our human mind ever seeks to only grasp desires, plans and intentions of that which is most unsophisticated.

Who the heck told you that what you want is what your soul wants? Why the heck won’t “bad” things happen to you?


It’s as simple as this, if you don’t know or have a strong connection with your true Self - soul, spirit, consciousness. Then those “demons” and “satan” you always seem to look around for will keep haunting your ass. Because you’ve unconsciously made yourself believe you have to suffer.

And then, the life of a man that keens to this reality and mindset goes on like this till forever.


Sadly, the world is a movie(I wonder who could be watching, he or she must have an unfathomably amount of bowless popcorn) where everyone is basically dressed up in costumes and playing roles where the characters we play are not who we really are. Ha! (I wonder how many episodes each season has, the viewer must get really bored sometimes).

The more you allow your ego to control you into thinking you know who you are, and what you want, the more out of tune with your soul you get. This is reflected by constant problems, sufferings, depression, anxiety and discontent in one’s life.

And so my dear reader, nurture and strengthen your connection with your soul that you don’t see good things or bad things anymore, you see just one thing which is Purpose.

Why Do Bad Things Happen To Children?

Until next article.

Thanks for reading,

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to ensure a life of peace and harmony.

I also think achieving happiness while not hurting anyone else is probably a good reason to live and enjoy this existence.

But I have some thoughts about the general knowledge in existence, I mean, since we are constantly discovering new things perhaps we could say one long term goal for our species is to gather every knowledge there might be and achieve a complete understanding over our reality.

Although that sounds quite difficult :P

But I have some thoughts about the general knowledge in existence, I mean, since we are constantly discovering new things perhaps we could say one long term goal for our species is to gather every knowledge there might be and achieve a complete understanding over our reality

We only need to dig deeper inside and fix ourselves! :)

The human race existence would be would be a 100x better if religion and the society as a whole was built on the idea of “Know Thyself!”

Cheers bud!

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