If you die prematurely, don't you prefer to die for something that's worth it?

in #philosophy6 years ago

Death comes for us all. It could from old age, an accident or a disease/sickness. But if you were going to die for something you did, wouldn't you want it to be for something that's worth it, something of value and meaning in your life?


Maybe you chose to do something that would save someone else, like your child, and you died in the process. That would be giving your life for something that's worth it to you. You died but for a greater cause.

Sometimes accidents happen. Those deaths don't have greater meaning, but the people who are affected by those deaths often try to find meaning in it, trying to justify it, as if it's part of some "grand plan" from "God" or something. But sometimes shit happens, and there is no greater meaning to try to find a positive side to it. Bad things happen.

What about giving your life for something you choose, but that doesn't really give you value or meaning in life? What if something you're doing is going to lead to your premature death? What if you could stop doing it and live longer, wouldn't that be better?

Many things can apply. Some people like to risk their lives for an adrenaline rush and risk premature death just for the feeling they chase after. It's like a drug. Some people like to take drugs and chase a feel-good sensation, like heroin for example. Sometimes we chase things that are an escape from our boredom, from our monotonous, routine grind and the stress that often accompanies survival and living.

But I'm thinking of something that's more common. Is smoking cigarettes really worth it in the end? Some people enjoy smoking, or they don't but it's addictive, and they keep smoking to the detriment of their own health. Is it really worth it to just keep going along with a habit that can be broken?

The value of smoking surely can't outweigh the value of your prolonged life. If you smoke, you should think about these things. If it's enjoyable, why is putting smoke into your lungs more important and the "feeling" it gives yo, more important than living healthy?

Lungs aren't meant to be with smoke. Smoke of any kind is bad for the lungs. Even cannabis, despite being healthier for the lungs, cannabis smoking isn't healthy itself, because there is tar that builds up. I used to smoke cannabis, and it was a long struggle to quit. I liked getting high. It was a a fee-good high that I used to escape the relative "boring" of not being high. But now that I don't smoke, I'm glad not to, and I'm not "bored" by not being not high anymore.

Cigarettes don't even get you high. It's all around a negative, despite any enjoyment being derived. Think of the future potential shit you can be getting yourself into. Just because you chose to smoke shit cigarettes, you can end up having lung cancer. If not that, you will likely have breathing issues as the lung are beat up and abused for so long with smoke that isn't good for them. Is that what you want? Is it really worth it? To have trouble breathing in old age just because you were too attached to "feeling" good and "enjoying" something that was bad for you?

Then when you get sick, do you expect someone else to deal with the shit you got yourself into? As if your family or society owes you that. Why not take responsibly earlier on and do what's right, not forcing your ill-health as a burden onto others to take care of you. It's right to put others in that position when you can avoid it.

Plus, your life will get cut short, shorter than it could have been, all because of what? Enjoying smoke in your lungs? Seriously? That's what you want to die from? If it isn't, then do something about your behavior and change for the better. Care more about your health, your existence and others by not being a potential burden on them when your older. You can avoid a lot of bullshit that you do to yourself.

Stop putting smoke into your lungs, as if that is required for your existence to have meaning or value. Look at yourself more honestly (self-respect) and have more self-worth and self-love for your life beyond mere superficial "pleasure" of smoking. Existence is more important than enjoying something that's bad for you, doesn't bring you anything substantive in life, and only takes things away from you or others. If it's about stress, there are other better ways to deal with stress than smoking.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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We do so many things — as a species — to somehow distract ourselves. Distract ourselves from boredom, distract ourselves from not-doing, distract ourselves... it seems, ultimately... from being alone with ourselves. It's almost like we are illusionists... and we use the classic technique of misdirection to tell ourselves lies.

"Life is hard, so I get high."

There's a certain resigned inevitability in the statement "life is hard." Well, if life is so hard, what steps can you take to make it less hard? Get off the hamster wheel...

Growing up in Europe, pretty much everyone smoked. I never did. I still don't. My wife does. I wish she wouldn't, but you can't "make" people do things.

No, human lungs weren't designed to breathe smoke... plain and simple biological fact. Any rationalization to the opposite is just that... a rationalization. "My grandpa smoked a pack a day and lived to 95!" And therefore... comma?

Brother George (Carlin) used to quip the people smoke because IT HELPS!

There's our problem: Why have we created lives such that we need "artificial help" simply to cope with being alive?

I don't see zebras blazing up because they have to deal with the stress of being chased by lions... nor do they knock back a fifth of vodka at the end of the day...

You can't make people do thing, but you can speak and influence to empower others to move themselves int he right direction.

Yes, so much coping for being alive, because life is hard, and there is suffering, and boredom, so seek to escape it rather than seek to change it for the better :/ Zebras can't smoke or drink alcohol, they can't do many things we do. But that doesn't mean there isn't stress. Boredom, maybe less so for simpler consciousnesses/mind. Nature is impersonal, with lots of hardship. We are fortunate to be able to understand things more and create more, and reduce suffering, but we also can create much more than other animals. With great power comes great responsibility.

But sometimes shit happens, and there is no greater meaning to try to find a positive side to it. Bad things happen.

Agree with this, people that try to find a higher meaning when things are bad do it because believing it is just part of a "master plan" helps them keep calm and avoid feeling depressed, it is just a kind of strategy to reassure themselves everything is going to be ok in the end.

About smoking, I just did it once at a party to try it, but my father and my 2 grandfather are smokers and it is difficult for them to stop even if they know they are not only damaging their health, but also the health of the family since they smoke in their homes and it could affect nearby people.

I also think nowadays everyone is more informed about the damages caused by cigarettes, a few years ago my grandpa was telling me that when he was young they didn't know cigarettes could be so destructive so every young fellow was smoking back then because it was "cool".

Today I see a trend towards healthy lifestyles with veganism and organic products, so we are getting better regarding these issues.

Yes, the strategy to believe whatever we want to make ourselves feel good... a reason why people don't think grounded to reality, reinforcing beliefs that motivate behavior, and we have much of what has happened in history thanks to beliefs.

Yes, it was "cool" for high school too, I smoked on and off as well. Veganism is the future. Doing no harm to others who did us no harm if we can avoid it, is a moral ideal to strive by. It's healthier for us, the planet, and other innocent lives.

Smoking is one of the things I just absolutely cannot wrap my head around as to why someone would do it, especially today!
Back in the early 1900’s when doctors were advertising it and the average person didn’t know the damage it did I can understand it’s prevalence but in today’s world when we have the knowledge and resources that we do it’s amazing that new people start smoking every single day.

I too smoked cannabis and it was fun, enjoyable but I just couldn’t get past the smoking aspect of it. I think I only smoked for about 6 months before I quit and never went back. It affected my breathing; my friends and I would skateboard, snowboard and go mountain biking and the smoking put a damper on my ability to do it all the way I wanted so I was thankfully one of the lucky ones that quit. Cannabis is a fantastic substance don’t get me wrong, I know of the vast benefits it has for our body I just don’t think that burning it and inhaling is the best way to incorporate it into our bodies.

The other thing that boggles my mind is the utter poison people call food that they put into their bodies. That’s another topic for discussion altogether but that one really gets me thinking often.

It's "cool", to fit into social groups. Doing the bad thing is "Cool" too. Psychology is so interesting. If only people knew themselves, know thyself, they could understand to not get sucked up into appearances and be too attached to falser identity constructs.

Yeah, smoking is a bitch. I took it up as a kid (seemed like everyone smoked back then). I ignored the handicap it gave me in martial arts, especially at first when it involved sport matches. My hamster told me to devise ways to score quickly so my breath wasn't a factor.

Fast forward just shy of 40 years of smoking now and damn. Almost unnoticeable until I lay down. Then comes the congestion and wheezing. I have quit a couple of times, but was stupid and picked it back up. Always the hamster whispering in times of stress that I deserved it.

I am about to move to a non smoking dwelling, and plan on weaning myself off again using a vape. But I suspect those aren't to good for me either, so hoping to at some point wean myself off of that too down the road. Before my time, but not much and influenced all the adults as I was growing up I am sure.

Yeah it's nuts, even doctors used to say they were healthy :/

I hope you do quit. Health and long-term living is more important than any temporary short-term pleasure. Maybe beat that into your conscious and subconscious enough so that it motivates a permanent change. You're worth more than the cigarettes or pleasure you derive. Good luck.

Addiction to everything is bad. Smoking, drinking and use of drugs have very bad effects on our health. I am smoking since I completed my highschool. But one thing is remarkable with me. I never developed addiction of it. I am smoking for more than 15 years but I never got a feeling that I can't live without it. I may remains for months without touching a single cigarette while sometimes I may take three or four in a single day. I never took more than five in a single day. I have not smoked for more than 15 days and still not feeling to take any. This us also true about my drinking habits. I am not addicted to it either.
I think we can get rid of any habits if we want. We should not be slaves of anything. These days I am addicted to steemit but I know I can live without it also.
What we need is a capacity to think differently. That capacity enables us to perform outstandingly.

I don't drink either. I'm clean. Yes, Steem is addictive :P

I am scared of dying, even though i know its inevitable. that's because its fear of the unknown. In a situation where I have to give my life away to protect the life of a dear one, I would like to think that emotion will take the better of me and I will do it.

However, this fear of death wasn't enough for me to become a smoker. I did quit eventually because I couldn't accept being so foolish that on one hand I was willing to die a slow death knowing very well that cigarettes are harmful and on the other, I was scared of death. I follow a healthy lifestyle in general, try to stay active, don't consume alcohol, try and eat lots of veggies, yet smoking just made no sense to me. So it was hard, but I went cold turkey.

If it's your son or daughter, you would. They are the extension of our lives, the continuation of our genetics, a biological imperative to protect and sustain them over ourselves ;)

Good job on quitting. I don't drink either. Plants are the way to go for health and ethical concern for the lives of other animals who want to live like we do.

Are you vegan/vegetarian? I am very surprised to see so many people here from the vest adopting a vegan diet. Plant diet is surely the healthy way to go, heath, nutrition and calories, all taken care of.

I always wonder how many people die not living up to their greatest potential. Life is meant to be lived, not just survived. We're all gonna die at some point, but very few choose to serve for a cause greater than themselves. Usually it's about the money. People spend so much of their lives trying to earn more that they forget their time is running out.

When I die, I want to be remembered for the life I lived. Not the money I made.

- Avicii

Indeed, finding greater meaning outside of our personal lives is fulfilling. If we all tried to know whats going on by seeking truth, then we could change our world for the better much more quickly.

Smoking kills...still people smoke...even all the statutory warning mention on tha boxes....i had few words with my friends who usually smoke...and their answers alwsys be..." death is for all, so why to restrict ourself"....@krnel very good post to open many eyes..i will surely the link with my friends..hopefully they get some eye opener..


Yes, stupidity is a desired outcome for many who come up with idiotic justifications. Death is not a reason to do something, morons.

The benefits of smoking are no match for the harm in smoking. A better comparison would be an unhealthy lifestyle and diet. Its certainly easy to be lazy and tasty to overeat unhealthy food but there is a trade off. Right now an unhealthy diet is the biggest cause of premature death.

I agree; the American way is to eat junk, sit on the couch and take these magic pills that allow you to continue your downward spiral to the grave. It’s terrible! I try every day to get the people I love and care about to stop the disaster that is the typical American diet. It’s really hard to adjust, I get it. I wasn’t as bad as some but I was eating poorly and I could feel it in my health. I’m better now, not perfect but much better and I feel so much better than I did before.

Indeed, plant food is medicine for our bodies :)

How not to die

Most even out of cigarette addiction find it difficult to sleep without smoking a parcel... Even after tons of advice, and reasons why they shouldn't, they still end up going back to the act... I'm not sure of what to say to these smokers to make them change from this act.

Yes, it's sad. They don't have the will power to do what's right for themselves :/ Just give in to keep smoking...

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