Within you - The realm of silence

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

Touching the realm of silence within

When you learn to live in the now/present moment, time tends to pass very quickly.


In my opinion, every human being has different portals in them to reach that beautiful higher consciousness. There is a portal of loss, the portal of the inner body which offsets perceptions away from the now. However, the one particular portal available to you easily is so simple, but important. Silence.

It is the absence of sound which is here in this space very strongly. Simply pay attention to it and notice it. One could almost say to listen to it. While I talk about it, read, but truly listen not just to the word. If you did, usually your attention would be absorbed in words or your attention would be absorbed by your own thought processes. It is possible and usually the case, worried about tomorrow's problem

As you sit here reading, you can pay attention to the words, but also to the silence that is all around you. It is everywhere, in between every sound. It is strange that the sounds could not happen without the silence there. The sound merely stands out from it.

Usually, you would not notice it. You would be sitting here as the thought based entity looking only to what thought can relate to which is FORM which is more thought. You forget there is a deeper dimension there. That is the dimension of stillness, thoughtlessness, formlessness. Its a strange thing when you listen to the words because at the same time, you also listen to the silence. You could say silence is spaces, but its not really spaces. Its just one. There is an underlying silence and in other words, they come like wave movements.*


You could of course listen to silence completely. No more more words. Just that. To listen to silence, not hear, but actually listen requires a certain amount and level of awareness. You have the alertness although you shouldn't be looking to the future. It is the kind of alertness you would have if you were expecting perhaps such a faint sound you almost have to catch it. There is NO strain in this. NO tension. Just an alert listening.

Then as you practice this more, you will notice something strange. That is whenever you listen to silence, you may not be able to sustain it for a while at first, but even so wherever you listen to the silence within yourself, there is no thought.
The mind must stop. Whenever you listen to silence, the mind must stop because the mind is mental noise. The mind is forms. Silence has no form, simply formless. So this means you cannot through noise listen to silence. You cannot through form listen to or understand the formless.

The simple fact is allowing the attention that is needed to be there, allowing the alertness that is needed. Silence is subtle, but sounds are very much like here, big egos. We live in a civilization that is noisy. Silence is very subtle to the thinking mind, but it also does not know what to do with it. The thinking mind becomes frustrated at the silence of thought and says, "This is boring." Of course it is boring! Silence, is boring and so is becoming enlightened, to the mind. The mind is looking for the next food, the next stimulus. In its state of discontent and restlessness, it needs that next stimulus like a drug. If it doesn't come it is restless, impatient, bored, or worse.

If you have been sitting here reading this entire post and found an alive response, even if not a complete understanding because who could understand that which is beyond thought? If you have felt an alive response after reading, it means the awareness is already merging from you and being pulled out of you. It is beautiful! It is an energy field of presence. It almost transmits itself.

It is not in the words. Words are nothing more than useful pointers and sign posts as I have said in the past, but the meaning is not in the words themselves. You have to be careful and never rely on a language for more than a helping hand.

Always remember

  • You enter the alertness that is there and needed through your bodies realms
  • The moment you are aware of silence, there is the equivalence of outer silence in you which is stillness - the cessation of thought without the loss of consciousness
  • Self awareness is only awareness of itself. Not two in one
  • The field of spacious aware presence is also another pointer/word. You can also refer to this as space consciousness
  • Everything else is object consciousness (know themselves only as an object in consciousness, companion, just a self)
  • You are not a conceptualized entity
  • The realm of silence within you is more powerful than you have yet to experience. Know you are going in with the intent to become an aware being of energy and love
  • The arising of space consciousness is almost effortless - it is one of the most simple to tap into. Just acknowledge it. It's there. Notice it. Do not worry how long you can do it (be still, aware, and in the state of silence), just do it.


<3 Wishing all of you beautiful beings of love a wonderful day! Love to all of you as you have shown to me. Stay positive and keep smiling

Kristan <3


As you sit here reading, you can pay attention to the words, but also to the silence that is all around you. It is everywhere, in between every sound. It is strange that the sounds could not happen without the silence there. The sound merely stands out from it.

I love that. And it's so true. One of the things that my music teachers used to stress was the importance of the rests, the silences. Those were just as important as the notes themselves. They were what gave the music its shape.

me also! i was thinking of that how we only think of sound in the audible sense-we just consider noise to be sound but in reality, silence is more significant than sound. thank you for reading and your awesome point! by the way i completely remember my teacher also saying how the rest and silence between notes were as important as the notes played themselves. awesome comment.

Silence........Love...........humans..........bots :]

I think you inspired me to share mindfull thinking to. Thanks for getting me motivated! Keep up the good work.
Upvoted it!


thats awesome and thank you for the kind words!

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