A philosophy about 3, 6 and 9

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

I am fascinated by numbers. They seem to be perfect or it is just in our mind. I do believe numbers have a code in them and Nikola Tesla found it, but because the government does not want this knowledge to be out in the public, his work is hidden. As I start I would just want to show you this quote from Nikola Tesla and we will continue on our journey to understanding some numbers.

What is all about 3,6,9 that is the key to the universe? I can't have an absolute answer to this, but I tried to find what those numbers are all about.

Firstly we take the number 3. It is a trinity between mind, soul and body. It can also be the holy trinity between spirit, son and father. 3 can create the infinity number by adding a mirrored version to it. 3 represents the human. Like a closed system.

6 and 9 are two opposite numbers.
In the beginning, I started to divide the numbers into two groups. Numbers are not infinite but rather finite. We just use the numbers from 0-9 to make different combinations and make the chain unending.

The first group I put the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9. These numbers are facing left or are not mirrored.
The Second group we take the numbers 5 and 6. We see that these numbers are mirrored.
Then we have 0 and 8 who are neutral.

What we can see by this is that 6 is the mirrored and inverted version of 9. From 2 we can also mirror it and invert it to create 5. I did not pay much attention to 5 and 2 but rather to the other two. I found something interesting like a philosophy of some kind.

3 can create 6 and 9. It can do it mathematically by adding 3 one time or two times.

By it can also create it like this:

Here with my awesome paint skills, I want to show you how a 3 can make a 6 and a 9 simply by adding one curved line. The thing is that in order for us to create a 6 we need to rotate the 3 horizontally and then add the curved line. Which basically is the foundation of my philosophy with numbers.

We are a human being which is represented by the 3. The triangle of mind, body, soul. The number 3 can either go and become a 6 or a 9. If we want to become a 6 we need to be upside-down. If we want to become a 9 we just need to add this little curvy piece. The 9 is complete and it does not need any other number because it is the greatest number.

We can connect this to the dualistic symbol, most known as yin and yang:

This dualistic shape is basically created by the 6 and 9 and maybe the 3 is in between them as we see there is a curve. I do believe the 6 is the evil one and the 9 is the good one. Because 6 is just imperfect and 9 is the perfect number. We are either the good version of us or the bad version and in the grand scheme of the universe, we are this circle which is the yin and yang. More people nowadays are the 6 so we see that it is not in a balance and it never will be.

To conclude: We are born here on Earth loving and caring. No one is born evil, but we are being inverted and programmed into being the 6 or the evil one. It takes more effort for a person to become an imperfect rather than becoming perfect. The person reading this right now is perfectly designed from the outside, he does not need to build his perfection. But we are being programmed into being a 6. So it takes more time for us to realise that we are perfect. We are designed perfectly from the outside, from within no one will be perfect. We need to choose a path, if we choose the path of the 6 we will basically be miserable and unloving and imperfect. But if we choose the loving and caring path of the 9 we will transform into a 9. A perfect human being who will value truth and will want as much knowledge as possible for everyone. He will be giving rather than getting.

What I don't like that people believe of the yin and tang symbol is that we need to do bad things and good things so to balance our life. I have heard this theory and it is well known by the masons and their checkerboard floor symbol. We will never truly balance good with bad and we don't have to. The thing is that you have a choice. To choose the 6-bad or the 9-evil. You don't have to balance them. Yes in the beginning evil is necessary to show us what is good, but then we can get rid of the evil and build with love and with everything positive. You will need sometimes to experience evil in order to grow, but that is normal. Evil should not be the norm.

Thank you for reading this strange philosophy and I hope you enjoyed it. If you have something to say about numbers. Any of them, be sure to leave a comment, because in the future when I find something more about numbers, I will make another post. Have a great day and God Bless.


Здравей @krisstofer! Започнал си поредната прекрасна тема, но също така почти необятна. Аз ще постна един коментар, който е на основание прочетеното от моят велик учител Петър Дънов.
Числото три
Числото три е изкупление. Човек е страдал и със смирение е заплатил за всичко.Три е третото лице на Божеството. Три е спасителното число.
В числото 3 се съдържат трите велики добродетели - Любовта, Мъдростта и Истината - знанието, живота и свободата. Числото три е закона на равновесието.
В числото три са съединени надеждата, вярата и любовта, за да могат да работят заедно. Ако не разбираш законите на числото три, няма как да бъдеш добър и умен.
Числото шест
Числото шест е закон на еволюцията, на развитието, на прогреса. То показва отношени¬ето на човека към животните. Това число е създадено от 2 х 3 -- в него са майката и синът.
Числото шест - това е човекът и разумът. В шестия ден дойде съзнанието на човека да стане жива душа. Поляризирането мъж - жена става на шестия ден. Числото шест е принципа на илюзиите, при него ти вярваш на всичко. Числото шест много лавира и кръшка.
Числото девет
Числото девет е числото на възвишеното. Целта на деветото число е да има светлина в умовете, мир в сърцата да цари и Духът на Бог да е в душите.
Девятката, това са портите, през които ще минем, а те са деветият ангелски чин,
Числото девет показва всички възможности в човека за доброто и злото.
Девет показва проявеният човек и представлява човешката глава. Това число изисква съвършенство и е крайният, завършеният резултат на всеки човешки живот.
Числото девет представлява, не само човека, а цялото човечество. Самото число се намира в триизмерният свят и по съчетание на своите сили е по-силно от външната среда.
Когато си в година на числото девет - не отлагай нищо, ако го направиш – ще дойде нещастието. При девет не се философства – всичко е кратко, точно и ясно.
P.S.Моето лично число е девет.

Всички теми, които разискваш са актуални и интересни.
Най-щастливото число е: 123 (сто двадесет и три)
Можеш да прочетеш и първата ми публикация за числата
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