Partner by Design: Emotional Alchemy Or Heartbreak Physics

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)


Lately, I have been thinking a lot about how and why people choose to be with the romantic partners they are with. Relationships are so complex but yet, so fragile. I ask myself; what specifically drives and maintains relationships? Is there a science and methodology to sustaining relationships, keeping them healthy and most importantly nurturing them to thrive, evolve and change as we ourselves do? I mean, I think that the ultimate key is to change and evolve as our partners do therefore one never outgrows and leaves the other behind. Thinking about this calls to mind the amount of effort modern day relationships seem to require, however, does this monumental effort only serve to be our detriment? Does Newton's third law hold true in our quest for emotional alchemy: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction? Does a relationship that requires so much effort produce an equal and opposite reaction and predict its inevitable demise?

Maybe I am making relationships into too convoluted of a matter. Maybe there is a much more easy way to approach our emotional alchemy? I am curious if we just find a physical template (ie: a human body of a particular gender and reasonably pleasing physical characteristics) we like and continually "download" the software we desire or find desirable onto same said template. We can do this very easily through conditioning and reinforcement of particular behaviours. Do the persons we believe we are dating actually exist? Or is it just a product of conscious design through our constant and continual tweaking and conditioning? We reward this behaviour? Shun this action? Encourage this academic, professional or personal pursuit? Do we condition our partners to be as we see them or more aptly how we want to see them? When relationships end, is it simply a matter of the "hard drive" being unable to upload anymore? It is just too costly to upgrade our system when we can get a new one much more cheaply?

Modern dating does somewhat have this sterile and logistical approach to it after all, doesn't it? It's easy to end relationships via text, email or Snapchat or through the modern day invention of "ghosting". Dating is yet another modern day example and the pinnacle of consumption practice. We toss people away with a swipe of our finger and continue on our quest to find the perfect partner with the promise so readily marketed and sold to us by the smorgasbord of online dating. Is anybody else full yet?

Stuff I was thinking about on a cold, grey sky day!


Pair bonding is tough nowadays and very few are willing to put in the effort on a long term basis. I got dumped in my last 2.5 relationship by text message. Enough said! Upvoted and RS KS :)

Well, I see you are full too! Ugh, that is horrible. A text after 2.5 years? Ouch. I remember an episode of Sex and the City. Carrie was broken up with on a Postit note. We seem to be very inept emotional creatures these days my friend. We seem to have emotional ADHD in our dating practices and very little care towards each other when our relationships end.

The problem is, if you don't get down to some pair bonding in life, your gonna let a lot of good guys and gals get away and you'll end up in shit creek!

I wish my eyes and ears could unsee and unhear this.....Talk about hasty generalizations and the logical fallacy of composition and division. Ugh. I think this video talks more about his own dating experiences than any actual given reality.

One male bitter ego mewing wildly! ... it is funny! .... in parts :)

It's horrifying!!!! And part of the consumption problem I pointed to. This is a classic example of treating people are means to end.

Correct Kobie. We have come full circle :)

I blame low emotional EQ coupled to daddy issues - it's a classic combo - I never spotted it until it was too late. Love is blind! Love is blind!! (Yup! I said it twice ... for effect!)

"Everything I ever let go of has claw marks." ~ David Foster Wallace

My philosophy post question coming later is ... If You Were Suddenly Transported To Ancient Greece How Would You Convince A Rational Person That The Earth Goes Around The Sun Despite How It Appears?

A very interesting quote ... and parable! :)

Get Steeming Kobie so you have FULL match fitness for when the rewards pool refresh is complete at the end of the month :)

I am trying!! This darn working for a living gets in the way sometimes. I also had a fur baby emergency at the end of the day and a $1000 vet bill. My little guy needs some emergency dental work tomorrow.15726698_10211679675977775_2331521411035800683_n.jpg

OUCH! That sounds painful in all ways :( Good luck little guy!! :)

Thank you (and Grimm thanks you too). Ive had him for 11 years now and he is a senior dog so I am a little worried as he was a rescue with an abuse history. This history makes him very nervous and he doesn't do well in new situations. Also, thanks for the butt kicking to get writing. I did manage to find some Steem! ;)

WOW! You found time to Steem during your canine despairs! On my way over now ....

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