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RE: A Note to Fellow Atheists About Spirituality

in #philosophy7 years ago

thanks for up voting my post ! Your post sounds very complicated , but I am spiritual , not in the god way though , I do believe there is much more to all that goes on and why we are here for sure ! Upped back !
im trying to win this contest ita a culinary challenge !! If you res teem it for me , I will res teem yours ! Thanks !


@karenmckersie I upvoted it and resteemed it! Thank you. Your food looks amazing!
I really wish I could cook like that, because I love food so much. But I don't have the patience for it.

haha thanks ! Its easy ! Put pineapple and brown sugar on it , add the rest of juice in the can to a bit of water to the bottom of your roasting pan , and bake it at 350 For like an hour or two , however big it is ! Lo!! Its that easy !! Then its done ! Throw it in the oven , have a couple beers , then its ready ! Haha ! Good luck and thanks for up vote and res teem ! Will do the same for you ! 👍👍👍🍍

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