How exactly is a sociopath?

in #psychology6 years ago

According to the Harvard psychologist and author of the book The Sociopath Next Door, Martha Stout, one in 25 people is a sociopath. This can represent a real problem for today's society.

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Sociopathy is a disorder included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM 5) as "antisocial personality disorder". This disorder is defined as "a mental condition whereby a person has a prolonged pattern of manipulation, exploitation or violation of the rights of others," according to the National Library of Medicine of the United States.

The sociopath suffers an antisocial personality disorder

The essential feature of this disorder is a general pattern of contempt and violation of the rights of others. It begins in childhood or early adolescence. The disorder continues into adulthood. This pattern has also been called psychopathy, sociopathy or personality disorder disorder.

To make the diagnosis, the person must be at least 18 years of age. You must also have a history of some symptoms of conduct disorder before age 15.

Behavior disorder involves a repetitive and persistent pattern of behavior in which the basic rights of others or the main social norms are violated. The behaviors characteristic of conduct disorder are grouped into four categories: aggression against people and animals, destruction of property, fraud or theft and serious violation of the rules. And is that a sociopath does not conform to social norms and in many cases not to legality.

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Diagnostic criteria for antisocial personality disorder

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM 5) people with antisocial personality disorder are characterized by the following criteria:

A. Dominant pattern of inattention and violation of the rights of others. This pattern occurs before 15 years of age and is manifested by:

  • Failure to comply with social norms regarding legal behavior. Repeated actions that are grounds for detention.
  • Scam. It is manifested by repeated lies. Also by the use of aliases or fraud for personal gain or pleasure.
  • Impulsiveness or failure to plan ahead.
  • Irritability and aggressiveness. It is manifested by fights or physical or repeated aggressions.
  • Reckless neglect of one's own security or that of others.
  • Constant irresponsibility. It is manifested by the repeated inability to maintain a consistent work behavior or meet financial obligations.
  • Absence of remorse. It manifests with indifference or rationalization of the fact of having hurt, mistreated or robbed someone.

B. The individual is at least 18 years old.

C. There is evidence of the presence of a behavior disorder with onset before the age of 15.

D. Antisocial behavior does not occur exclusively in the course of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.

What are the characteristics of a sociopath?

The sociopath often lacks empathy and tends to be what we could understand as a cruel person. It is also cynical and derogatory with the feelings, rights and sufferings of others.

The sociopathic person may have a high conception of himself and be arrogant. For example, you may think that ordinary work is not up to par or that you do not have a realistic concern about your current problems or your future.

A sociopath is an excessively obstinate person, sure of herself, to the point that we could qualify as conceited. In addition, it gives off a simplistic and superficial charm, with a voluble and artificial verbal capacity. For example, use technical terms or jargon that could impress someone who is not familiar with the subject.

Lack of empathy, a high conception of self and superficial charm are characteristics that have often been included in the definition of a psychopath. A sociopath can also be irresponsible and exploitative in their sexual and partner relationships.

He has usually started many relationships and has never had a monogamous relationship. This irresponsibility extends to his role as a father. This is evidenced by malnutrition or the conditions resulting from the lack of minimal hygiene with their children.

Thus, a sociopath may be expelled from the armed forces. It can also become not self-sufficient, impoverished or even homeless. Also, you can spend a lot of time in penitentiary institutions.

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A sociopath also suffers from stress and other mental disorders

You may experience dysphoria, with difficulty to withstand a minimum level of stress or a marked inability to tolerate boredom; in which it is lost, because by itself it hardly finds entertainment. He may have developed anxiety, depressive disorders, substance use disorders, gambling disorder (pathological gambling), and impulse control disorders.

He also usually has personality characteristics that make him prone to borderline, histrionic and narcissistic personality. The probability of developing an antisocial personality disorder in adult life increases when a behavioral disorder or attention deficit disorder started in childhood.

Child abuse or neglect, unstable or irregular parenthood or inconsistent parental discipline increase the likelihood that the conduct disorder will turn into an antisocial personality disorder. That is, they increase the probability that the person will become a sociopath.

As we see, sociopaths are those people who show no empathy for others or remorse for their actions. Sociopathy, cataloged as a personality disorder, today is called antisocial personality disorder. So, if you meet one, be careful!

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             All the images were taken from the public domain

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