A guide to Chakra's part 1: Muladhara or 'root support'

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

What are Chakra's?

About two years ago, I discovered Chakra's and I have started to harness these energies to better my life and help others. I have noticed an improvement in my mood, conduct with others and my outlook on life after practising meditation and using ethnobotanicals, which can assist you to open up certain Chakra's. 

Chakra is Sanscript for 'spinning wheel'; there are seven Chakra's within all of us and are portals of energy, some exist in the physical level but the higher ones exist in higher dimensions.

 It doesn't matter whether you are religious or not, this framework can help anyone who is willing to live a deeper existence. 

I have first-hand experience of opening my own Chakra's and I try to balance them out on a daily basis. The misalignment of our Chakra's or energetic blockcage of any single one is believed to give rise to psychological, physical and emotional and spiritual disorders. The Chakra's are anatomically located up along the spine, with the first Chakra, the Muladhara (meaning 'root support'), located at the base of the spine. 

Muladhara or 'root support'

Sexuality, Obsession, Lust, Stability, Sensuability and Security

This is the foundation for which we engage in spiritual development and is lies at the lowest point of the spine column, below the Coccyx. The colour of this Chakra is red, symbolising energy and vitality and reminds us of our connection to the Earth. Certain foods, colours and smells are associated with each of the Chakra's. The Muladhara is red and represented by a four-petal lotus, shown above. 

It is the seat of unconsciousness and contains our Kundalini (spiritual energy), but is in a deep motionless sleep. But when the kundalini is awakened then this leads to a path of knowledge and self-realisation. The Kundalini energy is like a snake, wrapped up and coiled in the Muladhara until we focus our energies on opening up this Chakra through meditation, prayer, yoga, etc.

When it is sleeping, a snake is harmless and and peaceful but in an awake state it can be menacing and dangerous. Therfore, when opening the Muladhara this can bring qualities such as destructive rage, excessive desires, deep seated anger or all-consuming passion. This is bringing to your attention the qualities that we may not be aware that we had. On a more positive note, opening the Muladhara can bring intense feelings of joy, freedom, harmony and closeness to God. I can vouch for both positive and negative aspects. 

Wearing red, burning red candles, having red bedsheets, etc. all help with balancing your Muladhara. Moreover, foods that root themselves, such as carrots, garlic, onions, radishes, parsnips, sweet potatoes, are also useful in attuning your Muladhara. Ethnobotanicals such as dandelion tea are associated with the Muladhara. Finally, earthly smells, such as Geranium and Patchouli, can also be used to balance this Chakra. 

Certain vibrational frequency can also help you to baalnce this Chakra. Meditate with the 'LAM' chant below to ease yourself into a meditative state. Repeat the chants along with the vide "LAM" as this wil amplify your meditation. While doing this, close your eyes and visualize taking in red energy with each breath. Imagine it spreading around your body as you breath in and out.


When this chakra is well balanced and attuned, we will feel secure in life and have a sense of inner strength so much so that we trust the universe . On the other hand, if this chakra is neglected the person may feel lethargic, may be emotionally explosive, untrusting or be manipulative. Physical problems include a stiff lower back, muscle spasms and kidney problems.

The Muladhara is also said to contain the karma we have obatined from all previous lives and this permeates into our current life by influencing the happiness and unhappiness experienced. Is it better to allow the kundalini to remain unconscious? 

Well, although you may encounter some feelings that may be difficult to deal with, as alluded to above, this is a vital part of spiritual development and you cannot attain freedom without bringing up everything you have carried with you since the beginning of your existence. Moreover, the Muladhara is often full of disappointments and these should not be sene as something negative but rather should be seen as an opportunity to transition. 

Yoga to open and balance the Muladhara

For each of the Chakra's, there are certain Yoga poses that can help us to balance and open up them up. Below you will see some poses that will help to balance and/or open the Muladhara. But before I go into them, what is key is visualization. Remain focused on your breathing when performing these poses and close your eyes. Imagine an outline of your body as you are doing the pose and visualize the red Muladhara at the base of your spine spinning slowly. Focus on doing this while doing these yoga poses.

Maha Mudra means the 'Great Gesture' and the purpose of this exercise is to improve control over sexual potential. The sexual potential is necessary for awakening the Kundalini and of attaining a higher consciousness. Pressure is exerted on the Perineum as this zone is considered to be closely involved with the control of sexual potential. Breathe and hold for a few minutes. While doing this close your eyes and visualize the four-petal, red Muladhara at the base of your spine spinning.

Shalanhasana means 'The Locust' and this pose is aimed at strengthening the legs, back and pelvic muscles. It can also bring benefits by reducing depression and improves the funcitoning of internal organs, especially the kidneys by regulating the body's acid-base balance. Put your elbows underneath your body and keep your legs straight while raising them. Holding your breathe hold this position as long as possible. and then exhale slowly as you return to the start positon. Again as you are doing this pose, close your eyes and picture the Muladhara spinning at the base of your spine

Other important yoga poses to balance your Muladhara are: Mula Bandha, Yoga Mudra, Paschimottanasana, Dhanurasana and Tadagi Mudra.

A Further Exercise

Another exercise provides a lot of introspection and helps us to open the Muladhara. It is simply a list of questions that you have to answer truthfully. You may wish to do this on your own or you can do it with a friend or loved one. 

What can you do to feel more secure in life?

Tell about a situation you avoided. Why did you avoid it?

Tell about a situation you faced head on despite danger. Why did you?

Have you ever let lust get the better of you?

What is your most secret fetish?

Tell about when you were most afraid for your life.

Explain your obssession with an object or other person...

Describe your most memorable sexual encounter...

These are all designed to make you think about who you really are. They all relate to the Muladhara and energies associated with this Chakra. For example, stability, security and sexuality are all the main themes. It is hard to answer and explore these questions but with thought you can uncover a better understanding of yourself and progress to a higher concsciousness. 

It will make you understand your thoughts and actions better relating to security, stability and sexuality. By answering these questions and focusing on the root support, you should notice something different. If you really dedicate yourself to these exercises, the stability and security of your life will improve and the enjoyment and pursuit of physical and sexual activity will also heighten.  

The next part will continue the journey to a higher consciousness by looking at the second Chakra, the Svadhisthana. If you have any experiences you would like to share or questions, please comment below!


Very interesting! I'm a big yoga fan myself, I think it's truly magic. Your article refreshes my memory about what I knew about the Chakras and added some more info to it. Looking forward to part 2

And this is YOGA!! is about taking resposability for your own well being! Nice description !

Thanks, I started getting into yoga after learning about these energies.

I performed some of these exercises today focusing on the Maha Mudra while trying to visualize the Muladhara. After relaxing, closing my eyes and focusing on this part of my body I began to see some kind of red in the darkness but it was not that clear. During the day I have noticed that I felt a lot more secure about my position in life, more confident and felt positive all day... my legs were also less tired from walking (I do a lot of walking during the day)... next time I will amplify the yoga pose with aromatherapy and the chanting... maybe I will see the Muladhara more clearly and reasonate better.

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