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RE: The Accidental Designer, Part 1 – A Strike at Vanity

in #philosophy6 years ago

Oh my word, Zippy - with every word I read and every image I view, it becomes clearer to me that you and I are 'sisters from another mother'! 😁 I have never met another woman who shaved her head completely bald (through choice) before!

You wrote about this experience so eloquently. I found it incredibly moving. I had very similar insights to your own and a very similar impetus for chopping the locks, which I did back in 2005. It was so liberating and so terrifying. I asked my fella to shave off my curls for me and it was a huge moment of trust and vulnerability. It was a vital step in reclaiming my authenticity and setting myself free from vanity (which, let's be honest is usually a mask for insecurity and a seeking of external approval). It was at this time that I also stopped using make-up altogether - I'd been transitioning towards that steadily since the birth of my Raven in 2002. Prior to that, I'd been one of those grrrls who can't open the door to the postman without full-face makeup on!

Aaaaanyway, I LOVE YOU, Zippy - you make me smile, laugh, cry, dance, celebrate, wonder, ponder, and I am so glad your friend captured these amazing images of you parting ways with your comfort zone - they are wonderful and tender and...joyful! Resteeming in celebration of your courageous uniqueness and your beauty and your fabulous freckles, which are a delight and a work of art in and of themselves. Losing the locks really brings them to the foreground, along with that beautiful skull of yours. (I'm guessing you were carried a lot as a babe, not lying down in a crib?)

To finish, here's a shot of MY spiral - soul sisters, for sure:




Wow @jaytaylor – you always make me smile, but you've truly outdone yourself this time. <3

Thank you for sharing more of your own story – I do love the parallels you've drawn between us. It's not a thing every woman imagines, yet it felt like such an imperative right-of-passage – a thing I knew I had to do someday. It taught me a lot. Though it took a moment to get used to, I had zero regrets.

Your spiral is beautiful! So perfectly swirly. :)



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