Flat Earth Theory - Why I Don't Buy It

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)


Perhaps it would be wise to begin by stating a point of agreement with many flat-earth theorists: It is always wise to be skeptical of any claim from any governmental or religious figure.

It is respectful to confront an opposing idea rationally. Even with perfectly valid reasoning behind an argument, the validity of the conclusion is still dependent on the validity of the premises used for the reasoning. Thus, a good counter-argument must address the reasoning and the premises behind it, rather than insulting the other individual.

Therefore, I am more than willing to agree that history is full of evidence that people in such positions of power can and do deceive. Some conspiracy theories are now verified fact, some are plausible theories to explain known occurrences, and some are attempts to fill gaps in a story where there appears to be an absence of information However, some are plainly absurd. A good lie is not a complete fabrication, but rather truth mixed with some measure of falsehood.

Like science, a good urban legend or conspiracy theory must be analyzed based on the verifiable merits of the competing claims. The data and analysis methodology used must always be open to debate. Unlike science, many urban legends and conspiracy theories rely on history, personal anecdotes, and other unverifiable and unrepeatable data. This does not mean they are automatically false, but it does increase the burden of proof on the claimant for any position to provide additional data and produce a sound argument to explain his conclusions.

The Issue at Hand

Over the past several years, the flat earth theory has gained a popular following on the internet. Numerous Youtube videos have been produced claiming to prove the theory of a flat earth and debunk the heliocentric spherical earth model. It becomes ever-more difficult to differentiate between the trolls and the true believers. Poe's Law strikes again.

As someone who has spent some time studying astronomy, trigonometry, geology, and physics, I see a lot of problems in the flat earth claims. Unfortunately, I am not a skilled film producer and don't perceive this issue as one worthy of a huge investment of my time and energy to confront.

Fortunately, there are others who have taken the time to produce such content already. VoysovReason is one such Youtuber whose videos are clear, concise, and rational. He shows how the evidence available for anyone to observe is properly interpreted through sound mathematics and reasoning to support the globe model while simultaneously showing the fundamental flaws in the arguments for a flat earth. He also does so without relying on NASA or any other government agency.

The options are few: Either he is right, he is wrong, or he is partially correct with errors clouding his conclusions. If he is wrong to any degree, that means his premises are flawed, or his analysis is flawed. Whether he is honestly mistaken or a paid government agent spouting disinformation, such errors can be addressed rationally.

I find his arguments more persuasive than those of the flat earth believers. I do not merely accept things because they are what I have been taught. I am an anarchist because I examined the reasoning behind what I was taught in civics and history classes, and found flaws that could not be addressed to my satisfaction, requiring a long period of contemplation and examination of alternate philosophies. As such, I request that readers who disagree with my conclusions do me the favor of assuming intellectual honesty on my part.


Perhaps the round earth model is flawed, but the preponderance of available evidence supports this theory, and the arguments in favor of a flat earth present far more problems than they address. The flat earth model requires the belief in a strange array of unexplained forces and celestial motions far dwarfing the accusation that gravity remains poorly understood by modern physics. Critical thinking does not mean "Dismissing everything from someone known to lie," it means weighing the evidence.

Even if we suppose that everything NASA ever said was calculated to mislead, a basic understanding of mathematics and science combined with a little data collection and analysis on your own can verify the round earth theory as the most reasonable. Flat earth theory is a useful tool to analyze the validity of spherical earth reality, but cannot be taken as a serious competitor, much less a superior explanation, upon closer examination.

March 9, 2017: Edited to include part 4 of the video series, which was released after this was initially posted.


There's a reason why this flat earth theory just popped up in the last few years. No one was talking about this 10 years ago and that's because it was put out there to discredit the conspiracy movement.

Plausible, although it's also entirely possible that it's just the most successful case of internet trolls building a cult around a bad joke.

Thanks for a well stated article.

Here is a really cool book that goes into great detail about how amateurs, with fairly simple and available tools, can confirm a lot of scientific and astronomical observations. I heard this guy present at the Riverside Telescope Makers Conference last year. Excellent stuff!




But remember, Flat Earth is just an #alternativefact :D

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