Facts, Alternative Facts, and Interpretation

in #philosophy8 years ago

Truth, n: That which conforms to real existence.

Fact, n: A thing presented as indisputably true, or objectively verified.

Evidence, n: Data used to make a judgement or form a conclusion.

As humans, we have an innate desire for truth. We use our capacity to reason in order to discover the patterns and relationships between various objects and events in order to gain a greater understanding of our universe. Of course, this often results in disputes over the nature of truth, the validity of facts, and the interpretation of evidence.

The most obvious recent example is Kellyanne Conway's claim that a statement by Sean Spicer consisted of Alternative Facts rather than outright falsehoods unsupported by evidence.

little golden book of alternative facts

We cannot trust the media to be free of fake news, and we know that bias is unavoidable despite claims to "objectivity" or "fair and balanced" reporting. If we wish to be informed members of society, we have an obligation to seek the truth by weighing facts and evidence though reason.

The wise man knows the limits of his knowledge, and is hesitant to make an absolute claim without having the evidence to support his assertion of fact. The fool claims falsehood is truth, fiction is fact, and irrelevant data is evidence.

Logic is the only means for discovering truth known to man, short of divine revelation.It is the means to measure facts and evidence in order to discover reality. The history of philosophy is the history of the search for truth, and while it has had many false turns, many outright failures, and a constant struggle against those who prefer falsehood, it is also proof of our desire for understanding.

Seek wisdom, question that which is presented as fact, weigh the evidence, and never relent in pursuit of the truth. It can be painful. Truth is a threat to the political status quo in society and the individual beliefs people form as they grow. This is why "alternative facts" are so often preferred over the real thing. Counterfeit intellectuals are eager to prey on those who give up. Don't surrender to their appeals to your prejudices and preconceptions.

The internet is the greatest tool known to mankind in our quest for truth and understanding. It may be filled with trolls, griefers, liars, wiki saboteurs, fake news, alternative facts, racists, and smut but it is also how you can see what I write, discuss the validity of my arguments, and share your knowledge with me.

Together, we can build a better future. That is a fact.


Well said jacobtothe. Cooperative research wiil eventually find the truth.

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