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RE: Is Subjective Truth An Absolute Truth?🌹

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

There is only ONE thing that can be proven beyond any doubt. That "I" (or you) are having an EXPERIENCE..... what we experience could be a dream or a hallucination or some other unknown thing,,, but it is undeniable that I AM having an EXPERIENCE,,, I AM the OBSERVER (a verb, not a noun thing),

That being said,,,, most ALL spiritual teaching agree on the "Golden Rule",,, and I don't mean "he who has the GOLD rules",,, although that may be what rules the physical realm --- but the NON-Physical realm (aka MIND) is the ONLY place that physical realm is ever experienced (and quantum physics would also say "created" - see collapse of the wave function - Dual Slit experiment).

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