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RE: Creating a Plan Without Creating Expectations?

in #philosophy6 years ago

I liked both of yours comment, @journeyoflife and @clayboyn. You guys have a different point of view, in ragards of making plans, my perspective about it stands in the middle. I think is good to make plans but is also important to be flexible and open to any changes that could happen and to do not have any expectation. In my opinion, making plans is like drawing an imaginary line, diveded in step-stone, that guides you along the journey of your whatever plans you set. It is good because it keeps you on track and you can check where you are at, but many times plans do not work out the way you wanted so you need to go off track to be able to move forward, otherwise you stuck or you get upset because you were expecting a different outcome. I think it all depends from your personality and your mindset. I believe that when we set a goal or a plan, it is important to enjoy the journey and not just the destination. I wish you all a great day. Namaste.


That makes sense to me. I don't feel pressured or constrained by plans or planning. I like the freedom that comes with just embracing the universe and letting it all happen as it feels like it's going to do organically.

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