Everything is a Scale

in #philosophy7 years ago

 “Things are black and white.” “This is truth and this is utter bullshit.” If only things were so simple. Let me present you another part of my Metaphysical talks. The scale.

This is the third article from my “Metaphysical series”. If you want to dive deeper into the way a perceive world read the previous articles. I have linked those articles in this text on appropriate places, but let me present the index here too.

  1. Truth
  2. Life Pillars
  3. Everything is Scale 


The theory behind it

The whole word is just a big bunch of 1/0. That is why some people are inclined to believe that all the things in the world are either “positive” (1), or “negative” (0). While it’s true that the fundamental particles start this network by an initially “positive” or “negative” input, they immediately branch out creating more and more complex aggregates. The output of those aggregates, as we perceive it, is the whole universe.

The key word in the previous paragraph is the network. The fundamental particles that are not understood (and probably never will be), are out of our control, creating the network that is totally out of our control. The humanity can but try to grasp bits here and pieces there, to get a fraction of its meaning. For that we use a network of our own (the brain), that is trying to make sense out of all the shit that is happening out there. Funny thing is that for that we use an instrument that is much less advanced than the concept it’s trying to understand, while the humanity does not understand even the tool its using. That just shows what kind of a “long run” this is.

Anyway, the result of this is that the branched out universal network, creates such a complex entity, where every tiny switch-over of 1 to 0 (or the other way round) changes all the following parts of chain. This creates seemingly endless “network versions”. What this for our perception does is, that it only slightly changes the essence of perceived object – pushing it on the scale of our imagination and rationality. 

Everything is a scale – for us

If the humanity was all-knowing, there would probably be no need for a scale, since we could just always go through the network and see the output as it is. This is not the case though and scale is one of the instruments that our imagination and rationality use to help us get the meaning out of the network. 


I will illustrate this statement by certain examples. I could be illustrating for hours, so I will just choose some of the topics, where I’ve seen some stubborn people, or the whole humanity, using the “black/white fault-line”. 

I’m 1000% straight

Hehe, false. Don’t get me wrong I’m not trying to say that everyone is bisexual and would fuck whoever. What I claim is that every male and female oscillate on a scale. Every male and female has types (even of a same sex) that they are imposed by. The scale then determines what kind of physical contact are they ok with (we have to exclude those, that don’t have their sexuality solved, and are playing 1000% straight as a means of self-defence). I understand that certain marks on the scale represent the categories we well know – creating a definition makes everything easier for us – but the point is that “straight” person is not the same as different “straight” person. One of them will always be willing to do more with the same sex. 


Yes we have an IQ test placing us somewhere on a scale. The problem is that IQ tests don’t work. They just test brains capability of solving logical problems. But that is not the only factor that should be determining this issue. Another great tool humanity has are “prove-papers”. Have you passed this particular test? Oh you’re so bright! Have you failed this particular test? … Humanity’s ignorance in this particular regard is (in my eyes) one of the causes of global unhappiness. The system is set up in a way that people are having hard times finding what they are really good at – what it is they could contribute to the rest with. Having more, or less, set standard of what is clever and what is stupid is so ignorant and kills the potential of lot of (from today’s perspective) stupid people. I strive for a world where every person would have equal chances to contribute to the humanity (more about that in upcoming articles).



The good and bad is 100% subjective matter (I will also contemplate about that more in different article, since it’s part of my metaphysics). People tend to think that their point of view is superior to the others. What most people in all their complacency refuse to accept is that everyone actually has a scale of things from bad to good. Because of that, they set a value for a thing and that thing is eternally stuck at that value. That leads to a very ignorant society. People just compare the set values. They are comparing one “bad” with different “bad” often times missing the possible connections that are in between. This could be “easily” solved, if people didn’t set quiescent values, but rather used the incoming information to push the “ideas” of objects on the scale, that is anyway there.

As I said I could continue for a really long time. It would maybe be more effective (if you disagree), to state an argument where it is not the case. Or point out why am I wrong. 



I think that one has to realize what and where individual issues located in his scale are, and be in peace with them. Once this is done, sharing of those scales can begin. I have already explained this process in my previous metaphysical article. Throughout open-minded sharing of personal stances, individuals can grow and humanity can prosper. Don’t be afraid of the scale, embrace it, and then share it.

Let me know what you think guys. Engage with me :)!  

curation REP SP followers

Hey, @fingersik, did you get enough support to go to SteemFest 2 in Lisboa?

Hey @vcelier! This is hard to tell right now. I will have a meeting with my friend next week who will try to teach the basics of cryptotrading. With the money you have send me and the potential pay out of the post I should be able to at least get myself there and back and book the hotel, which I’m going to do right now. In the worst case I will support the rest from my own pocket, in the good case it might be enough, in the best case I will win one of those contest and will help another guy to get there too :).


I sent you some money?
No, @marcel.dubrovnik sent you some STEEM.

Haha yea that were mysteriously funded by your account:P. This is Blockchain and when someone sends me bit less than average salary in our country I check who that guy was:).

What size shirt do you wear?

Hey papa! Its L. CG to your rep milestone btw:)

Got it! Thanks!

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