
Technically, all that you know about the universe is what you have been told.

I'm going to stop here. I don't want to join the "shape of the earth" debate.

Yeah but what extremes do you go to? At some point you have to just take another persons word for it. I haven't observed bacteria, I don't technically know for sure if it's a thing, doesn't mean I'll stop washing my hands.


I'm pretty sure bacteria is a thing. Illness and and moldy food is some evidence of bacteria.

You don't have to take someones word for anything. You can choose to say "whatever you say.." and give them a little bit of faith that they know what they are talking about, while never defending their "word" in an argument due to the fact that YOU do not know.

I don't know what happens when a person dies or even if death exists at all. It seems like it does but maybe this is a simulation. Maybe I've only been in it for a few days and my memories are fake. How would I know? No one can prove anything about our reality.. so to "take someones word for it" when on the topic of death, religious people have that topic covered. Choose a religion and and select the answer that was given to from that particular religion.

If you don't know something it's ok that you don't know. You don't need to assume that others do.

If the Earth was flat and everyone was lied to.. the question would be "why". I can come up with an infinite number of possibilities. The most likely one is that they are hiding more land that has dragons and they don't like to share so they hide the dragons.

Take my word for it.

Yeah I am also pretty bacteria sure it's a thing, I'm just saying since I'm not a scientist and haven't studied it, I can't 100% know for sure.

My point is, why would they say the earth is flat, and also think bacteria is real? Where do they draw the line on rejecting science? Cherry picking is what it is

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