in #philosophy6 years ago

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These questions are running through my head and I’m trying to find answers. It is easy to say that we must always do the righteous way as possible but it is hard to do. Temptations are everywhere and it will make us weak, we have to fight it. Believing in our core values are needed to have enough strength in overcoming the unpleasant circumstances. Let’s admit that we are susceptible to be tempted, our morals will serve as the shield.

There are situations that doing the things right is not always about correcting a bad decision. Sometimes, it leads to manipulating the result for hiding the truth. As an illustration, a man accidentally killed his wife because of jealousy. The right thing to do is admitting the crime and face the justice system. On the contrary, he has a choice to make the things right, carefully hide the body including all shreds of evidence and run away. He must do it right or else his dark secret will be revealed.

In another side of view, making the things right can also have a good and pure intention. A rebellious teenager has no control in spending her allowances in buying alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, and marijuana. Instead of going straight to the school, she is fond of partying in a friend’s house filled with people that are addicted to drugs. Unfortunately, she got pregnant at the age of 14. She went back home and asked for forgiveness. From that moment, she makes the things right by raising her child and studying again for a better future.

Let’s now talk about doing the right things. The differences in culture, traditions, norms, and beliefs are factors that affect the definition of right things. A certain accepted etiquette in one country might be unaccepted in another country, and vice versa. This concept can also be applied to us; we have different views on how we see things around us due to our differences in perceptions. However, it should not be a reason to excuse ourselves from choosing the right things.

When you think that you are in the right position, it is not a license to judge other people. Your righteousness doesn’t mean that they are wrong; it is a matter of allowing yourself to see the world from another perspective. A rich student has a choice to pursue his college degree in the most expensive university to achieve his dreams while the poor student decides to stop and start working to provide for his family. Both of them believed that they did the right thing based on their status quo.

In my own opinion, doing the right things is better than doing the things right. When you are choosing the right thing, it means that you are following the ethical standards at the beginning of the event. On the other hand, when you are making the things right, it feels like you have done something wrong from the past that must be corrected. Technically, there’s no need to make the things right if you already did the right things from the very started.

How about you, what are your thoughts about it?

I will be more than happy to hear your opinions as well.


very nice pammy

Thank you so much, sir. :)

Very well said @escuetapamela. Do the right things, do it at the very first, not at the time you made mistake. Great post by the way.

Thank you very much for appreciating it!
Have a nice day ahead! :)

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Sometimes we have to try to put ourselves on others' shoes. It's good to understand other's perspective on one issue. From your illustrations, people do what they think it's right to do based on their perspectives. We might see it as the wrong thing to do.

Doing the right thing is "yes". However, it's not easy for someone who lives in the difficult situation.

I agree with you, there's nothing easy on this earth but we have to stay strong and keep moving forward. :)

Exactly as it is!
If we do things right there is no need to worry

Right things will guide us to have a peaceful life. :)

nice blog Pam:)
stay beautiful.
beautiful message:)

Maraming salamat po sa inyo ma'am.
God bless po! :)

walang ano po maam:)

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