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RE: BACKWARDS WORLD: Today diversity instead means conformity...

in #philosophy7 years ago

though maybe cult might be even more appropriate

Cult works too... I personally believe the only thing that separates a cult from religion is QUANTITY of people and societal acceptance.

So for me they are ideologically the same type of construct.


I vote for the word "CULT".

Really CULT and RELIGION only have two differences.

  1. They become accepted by the culture/government.
  2. They are larger and that is likely why number 1 happened.

Otherwise, I see no distinct difference between the word CULT and RELIGION. In fact, virtually every religion I am aware of started out considered a CULT.

I see a cult as an interest followed with an exaggerated zeal. It can for be anything: both religious or not.

If you study history that actually describes the early days of virtually every religion. :) They actually were often called a CULT for some time.

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