BACKWARDS WORLD: Today diversity instead means conformity...

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

I think we all see it, though some of us may not. The voices shouting for diversity and "fairness" while the push is actually to insure that only the CORRECT thinking and beliefs should be permitted. That sounds fair doesn't it? They can talk about tolerance and how important it is to be tolerant. Then they show you that tolerance by demanding certain people should not be able to speak, some of them advocate killing people for speech, and they miss some very important things.

The term group think is mentioned at times and people may not understand that. You have to take the time to understand rather than assuming you already know everything in order to truly understand.

I believe we are seeing the birth of a new religion. I will explain why I believe this.

In history most religions have had things that were not permissible to say, or think. These would often receive labels such as heresy, blasphemy, occult, satanic, luciferian, words of Loki, etc. The people could be called Heretics, Blasphemers, Infidels, Satanists, Pagans, Witches, Pariahs, etc.

If the religion had enough political influence they could run inquisitions and freely torture people, burn them at the stake, etc.

The thing about these religious movements is that religious officials essentially were permitted to become THOUGHT POLICE.

The term dogma enters my mind also. The immutable truth that should not be questioned is a hallmark of religions. The arrogance of man/woman to decide only they have the answers and to force it upon others.

After periods of darkness there often seem to be some moments of enlightenment. One of those periods was the founding of the United States and mandating separation of church and state.

I see the current SJW movement, the Antifa movement, and the mass censorship beginning to occur on youtube, facebook, and other corners of the internet as RELIGIOUS in nature. To understand this we must first understand that religions do not REQUIRE a god, goddess, or deities to be a religion. They simply need to have beliefs upon reality which they believe should not be question and are inviolable. Freedom of speech is anathema to these movements, because freedom of speech clearly would indicate that asking questions, and challenging ideas is okay.

Freedom of speech does not mean you must agree with what people say. It simply means they have the right to say it.

There is a new twist on this saying "You are free to speak. Yet there can still be consequences." If those consequences are someone suing them for defamation, refusing them service, or countering with their own words those are potentially acceptable. Consequences in the form of being thrown in jail, or otherwise manipulated in some way via government is NOT Freedom of Speech. If there is a true freedom of speech then speech itself is not a form of rebellion. If speaking translates to rebellion then it is not truly free.

The current diversity movements, safe spaces movements, virtue signalling movements, etc all seem to be people ignoring reality and pushing a fantasy world in their mind upon the world. The imaginary world is being forced upon everyone. It cannot be questioned or you are a racists, a misogynist, homophobe, anti-semitic, Russian, terrorist, or whatever label they are quick to resort to if you don't fit within their imaginary world's idea. You are making their imagined world not work. So rather than face reality that people are DIFFERENT and that being DIFFERENT is a big part of true diversity, they will force their views upon you, and attack you. They will talk about diversity, fairness, feminism, racism, terrorism, and many other topics and their actions show that these are only FEEL GOOD buzzwords for them. They obviously have not spent much time actually thinking about these terms. They just jump in with the herd and repeat chants, and things they've been told without thinking for themselves. Thinking takes a little effort. They don't want to have to put forth effort unless it FEELS GOOD, or makes them FEEL GOOD, because it is unfair for them to have to put forth effort. It should just be easy.

To me these people act like a religion. Don't question. Just believe what your priests tell you. So who are the priests? Celebrities, Google, Facebook, and Mainstream Media.

There was a time when most Christians could not read the bible. This is actually when a lot of the bad things have happened. During those times Christians had to listen to their priests who could read the bible and take what the priest said as fact, and without question. They could forget that the priests were just people too.

Today we have people doing the same thing related to politics, Social Justice Warrior, Antifa, etc.

Often they are actually doing what they are claiming to be against. Often they are the thing they claim to be fighting.

It has the same momentum and danger of religions in the past. All those of us watching in horror want to say is "Stop! Look! Listen! Think! Do you have questions?" If they would JUST do that then we could pop a hole in the religious aspect of these movements.

The censorship is ridiculous. The loss of freedom is ridiculous. The intolerance and hypocrisy are ridiculous.

Stop, Listen, Think, Do you have questions?

Do you want to know more? Well here are a few things I saw today...

I won't be around much longer - Paul Joseph Watson

Google Memo: Fired Employee Speaks Out! | James Damore and Stefan Molyneux - Stefan Molyneux

YouTube CRACKS DOWN On Diamond And Silk Demonetizes 95% Videos For Supporting Trump!

YouTube's New Censorship Will Creep You Out - Mark Dice

YouTube to Censor "Controversial" Videos - Paul Joseph Watson

EDIT: For those of you waiting on my investigations. I am still working on it, but my network-engineering job kept me pretty busy this week, and I was doing some Game of Thrones catch up with my wife (that is done), so I'll continue that this weekend.


I love this post. I am so sick and tired of seeing brainwashed idiots screaming about diversity and fascism while at the same time shouting down or even physically assaulting people that disagree with them. Freedom of speech was explicitly designed to protect speech that was disagreeable. Otherwise there would be no point.

I think that we are at an unfortunate point where too many people have been coddled and have a sense of entitlement to always get their own way, so when anyone dares to express a different point of view, they become uncontrollably angry. With the ones that constantly riot and attack people, it appears as though the reptilian portion of their brains has replaced the thinking part. Not a good thing. Words may have consequences in that you do not have to like someone or be friends with them. You can refuse to listen to them or read what they write, but you do not have the right to shout them down, attack them, etc. We have freedom of speech. Not freedom from feeling offended.

Just remember that even if you were able to shut someone up with threats of violence and ruining their life, someday, someone will inevitably not like what YOU have to say. It is the nature of human beings. We are not zombies or robots. We are TRULY diverse as a species and not just in the ways that certain political groups try to claim (as in external factors like race).

Excellent thoughts!

May I suggest you take a read of this incredible post by cupid zero that touches on exactly your comments:

All of @cupidzero's works are definitely worth reading. I joked with him that he may take over my blog due to me having to keep resteeming his works. I was joking, but I was also serious. His works are that good.

I actually did read the post you recommended and it was excellent. I almost felt like he was reading parts of my mind. Anyone that likes George Orwell is A-OK with me!

He has also been a university professor so he is deep in the thick of it and has been witnessing a lot of the changes going on first hand.

Thanks, I will check it out!

Excellent post. God forbid you speak out against anyone in this day and age. I've been a nonconformist my entire life so I'm used to nobody liking what I have to say. What is most troubling is trying to have an intelligent or even rational conversation with most people.

I don't mind if someone disagrees with me. I don't take it personally. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. It is disturbing though when you try to ask why someone disagrees or what their own thoughts are and they begin spewing out a bunch of bullshit they heard on TV without any actual thought behind it.

The saddest part of all this is Americans as a whole are simply getting dumber and dumber. People don't think for themselves. It is much easier to follow the herd.

I'm reminded of the old George Carlin line "Think how stupid the average American is and realize half of them are dumber than that."

Hi Deva! Another great post on your part. I have been increasingly defining the social justice movement as a belief system in my recent posts on the topic, but maybe I should just go for religion. You are right about how it has many of the same characteristics, though maybe cult might be even more appropriate. I will have to think on that one.

I particularly liked your reference to what you can or can't say. That reminded me of one of Ron Paul's favorite quotes "Truth is treason in the empire of lies". I happen to have seen all of the videos you posted today, all of which are almost mandatory viewing for the current climate.

Paul J Watson is one of my favorite rabble rousers in the ongoing culture wars. I have been watching the escalating censorship on YT for about two years now - it really kicked off leading up to the 2016 elections. I was certain if the '16 election ended differently it was doomsday for the alt media, but I admit I wasn't anticipating the left continuing to crack down and even escalating after Trump won. Though it does make sense now.

This only highlights what I commented in one of your recent posts that we really need a non-censored mass adopted video platform right quick. I'm not a programmer, but it seems it wouldn't be that hard to make a platform, it is the adoption that is a problem, that and money for storage and bandwidth. But then again, I am not that up on computer stuff.

I posted yet again on this topic today with Frankenstein's Monster, Social Justice and Higher Education and one I think you may have missed a few days ago Conformity is Diversity - Thought Police on Campus. Would be honored if you took a look. Upvoted and resteemed!

though maybe cult might be even more appropriate

Cult works too... I personally believe the only thing that separates a cult from religion is QUANTITY of people and societal acceptance.

So for me they are ideologically the same type of construct.

I vote for the word "CULT".

Really CULT and RELIGION only have two differences.

  1. They become accepted by the culture/government.
  2. They are larger and that is likely why number 1 happened.

Otherwise, I see no distinct difference between the word CULT and RELIGION. In fact, virtually every religion I am aware of started out considered a CULT.

I see a cult as an interest followed with an exaggerated zeal. It can for be anything: both religious or not.

If you study history that actually describes the early days of virtually every religion. :) They actually were often called a CULT for some time.

Great post @dwinblood I would just like to add that this censorship is not only affecting Trump supporters, as your post may have suggested unintentionally.

Have a great weekend

Yeah it is happening all over the place. The videos at the end may have been from Trump supporters, but the text of my post did not reference that.

You're absolutely right! I was just referring to the videos and why I believed it was unintentional :)

Still a great job explaining a big subject @dwinblood

It's getting pretty damn crazy out there.

Conformity is a Four Letter Word... is the title of a post I'm working on now!

Cool I look forward to it.

While, I agree with you synopsis on freedom of speech, I must first state that terms like diversity, racism, feminism and the like exist for vert good reasons. Not only was a certain group of people's right to speech inhibited, basic living amenities were denied. Free choice was denied.

Nonetheless, in each case what started as something pure was usually corrupted by selfishness, greed and sheer lack of logic in some cases. Then, in time, those who were victims become abusers themselves.

No one, no matter what their life experience was, has the right to tell another what they should or should not say. Everyone has the right to an opinion, right, wrong or anywhere in between. Note that does not been you should go out of your way to be disrespectful to anyone. Having an opinion doesn't mean forcing it down everyone's throat.

We just need to understand not everyone will share our views and accept it.

Nonetheless, in each case what started as something pure was usually corrupted by selfishness, greed and sheer lack of logic in some cases. Then, in time, those who were victims become abusers themselves.

I don't have a problem with the terms themselves. What you stated there that I quoted is essentially the problem. We can also simply call it hypocrisy, but then sometimes it takes writing it out in long form. We never know what might reach someone.

Agree completely with your assessment of those promoting diversity lately. Wouldn't it be better to call their behavior dogmatic than religious? While not being religious myself any longer, I would think being religious implies devotion to a higher calling along with discipline in practice, neither of which I see in the violent leftist behavior of late. Dogmatism however seems to encompass what we see here due to the fact that they take the words of an authority as gospel, so to speak, and then zealously defend that position without further thought.

being religious implies devotion to a higher calling

Many of them seem to actually act that way. ;)

Thank you for the post and the videos. I wonder if the government will ever defend free speech from these censoring monopolies? I'd love to see this litigated at the highest court of the land...

The world is going mad. Where does all this lead? Personally, I stopped watching television many years go in order to maintain my intelligence and use the time to actually learn something or accomplish something. I rarely use You Tube. I have no need for FB.

Of course it's a religion. It's based on feelings, not thoughts or ideas.

Great post, thanks for sharing!

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