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RE: "Fly On The Wall" - Some of the Greatest Song Lyrics Ever Written and a part of it Analyzed with Personal Perspective

in #philosophy6 years ago

It was quite enjoyable to read ,sharp and refreshing perspective .
Between the options :share or sitback and ingnore I would choose
share ,if I have a message that can impact a lot lives to the better ,I would share it glady.

Obviously this sharing part won't get you the best of responses
That problem could be solved ,you make your own cult and recruit more followers to share your glorius message eventually you will get so big , those hostilies responses won't bother much .if gets bothersome your send some of your acolytes to let the problem dissappear. As example eventually the protestant got so big that the catholtics couldn't much to them . I watched many tedtalks about the cults quite intersting.

seriously the gangwar part of the raid was so epic ,
if they didn't scene for the film ,how epic is the film?
and btw welcome as the first citizen of the realmofdurzo ;)


The greater and more valuable the message is, less people will understand it. With internet and efficient communication it's easier to form sort of a phyles ( Even STEEM blockchain is mostly infested by people with classical liberal/anarcho-capitalist tendencies. One thing I know about Evil is that it is self-destructive. gathering enough good people together (even if they have some miner differences) and liberating themselves from the collectives via technology is the best we can do. This is the main reason I'm so interested in Blockchain and similar technologies.

if they didn't scene for the film ,how epic is the film?

Best martial art movie ever made. Only few other movies come close:
Raid: Redemption
Sha po lang Trilogy (The last one is called Paradox and the second one is the best one)
Man of Tai Chi
The Legend of Drunken Master (1994) - This movie had the greatest 2 V 1 martial art battle ever made until Raid came out.

I was reading the link you send me ,I have encounterd this

Most of their revenue goes to warfare and welfare, which are destructive.
I get the first part but the second part implying that welfare is destructive ,I don't get that,But really it was a good read ,interesting perspective . A stateless future ,the collapse of nations-state .But basically he saying eventually we will split apart and form kind of tribe not related by blood or the same ethnic group but ratgr we group together by the people how like the same values/mindset.I'm little conflicted about where I stand regarding this topic.He says some interesting stuff ,
A phyle could exercise far more control over its members than any government today is able to do.
that doesn't sound tempting

and this

There would be phyles of all types, including those that value strict control, regimentation, and limitations
So it's highly likely there is a phyle that doesn't have any contact with the outside world and only the ringleaders will be the only source of information for them .I would want to think what religious figut=rs would do in their on phyle.Stricter control even some punsihment and wasn't possible before the creation of the phyles. A big no no against a splinter humanity. I prefer it more centralized ,altough it could use some improvements .

Btw I have Raid: Redemption , It was literary one of the best movies I have watched .I was watching that movies ,there was so much action ,I thought the film is ending but no I wasn't even half way.I will watch the sequel as soon as possible. Force nature characters ,the fighting was amazing.You know there was one liite scene bugging me ,The dirty cop/luitenant when he had the big boss of the flat at his custody ,that bigboss was uncessary provoking him , while the better option would have been stall time until he got the right opportunity . That may have saved his life

Welfare is like medicine. It is needed at extreme situations. But when we build nation where welfare is a big part of it we are basically making something similar to a medical industrial complex that make people sick to sell them new drugs. The only way a civilization can be built is by consuming less than we produce and saving the difference and investing those savings wisely. When welfare is a last resort, it's like treating an illness (which isn't normal). When welfare is an integral part of the society it waste resources and takes away he incentive for people to be productive. If 1984 about surveillance run amok Atlas Shrugged is welfare run amok. Give it a read or watch the first movie.

Vít Jedlička (President of the Free Republic of Liberland) said that the goal of Liberland is to take over the world and leave people alone. Phyles having control can go both ways. They are much like cryptos. Some phyles would enforce privacy and freedom to a level where taking socialism/fascism/surveillance seriously is considered treason while others turn into fascist states. Some of my personal thoughts are expressed here:

I will check it out , I will give you ofcourse a elaborate reply

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