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RE: Did Scientists Just Confirm The Alien Origin Of Man?

in #philosophy5 years ago

'I do not consider biblical text to be an accurate representation of Jesus or of God' - so what is then, what is your source, and how do you know your opinion is more valid than those who lived with and witnessed Jesus through His life, death and resurrection?


It is only through personal experience and direct understanding that we can come to know the deepest aspects of ourselves and origins. I have actually written a book on this topic that is currently unreleased, but aspects of it can be found in other people's lives and their own books going back 1000s of years. In short, when you understand how to embody what we might call 'christ consciousness', then you also understand much more about spirit, god, religion, biblical text and also about others who have attuned to the living christ. Christ is not and never was a person - Christ is a state of being, which is poorly annotated and described in biblical thinking. The main blockage there, which is also the main blockage in humanity as a whole - is 'unloving light'. Unloving light is understanding and literal spiritual energy that lacks heart's insights and also the input of the real emotions and real intuitive guidance. E.g. Nuclear bombs require a lot of understanding but they are not loving, nor supportive of life. Healing a body or a cell requires a lot of understanding, but is loving and the light involved there is loving light.

You need to know your own origin and the nature of your own essence coming in to form if you are to understand the nature of what is presented by world religions and human record in general. Doing that requires making the unconscious self become conscious - which is ultimately a form of resurrection. To all intents and purposes, your unconscious parts are dead, yet the conscious parts of you need to come together to heal them now and to bring their light into being and up to speed.

My message here is not opinion, in that it originates through a combination of direct experience, application and also direct input from both the masculine and feminine aspects of God. Without any of these I would be much less confident, but with the combination of these, the gaps in understanding have been reduced to the point where they are now minimal in terms of speaking to the topics you are raising. There are other topics, which are less well known, which I am not confident in speaking about since I do not know them to the same level yet.

Even if the biblical version of events were completely accurate from the perspective of those who wrote them, there will be denial present within the authors that twists and misunderstands the real details of what occurred. Unfortunately, on top of that denial, we also have deliberate engineering of those documents for political gain too.

There are people, in this time, who lived at that time - reincarnation. The 'returning' is not so hard, you have done it yourself many times - the problem here is memory loss caused by denials in self. Once you start healing emotional suppression, memory can open up and past lives will be recalled (if you have not already recalled them). Past life recollection is one way to get to the truth of our past, but the other is through direct connection to spirit.

  1. so what you're saying is you are your own authority? you are your own saviour, Christ, however you want to say it? your eternal life/ redemption is up to you? or don't you believe you have ever committed a violation that needs its rightful justice?

  2. 'Christ is not and never was a person' - there are around 20 non-christian sources for His actual existence, including a jew, josephus, and a roman, pliny, two people who would have no interest whatsoever in promoting a myth around Jesus.

  3. furthermore, with over 6,000 surviving new testament manuscripts, more than any other book from antiquity including the iliad, and the incontrovertible fact that no one would let themselves be burned alive, crucified, thrown to the lions, and otherwise viciously tortured and killed for someone that never even existed, let alone one whom they saw with their own eyes rise from the dead and ascend into heaven, or who heard first-hand testimony of such awesome events.

  4. 'there will be denial present within the authors that twists and misunderstands the real details of what occurred' - while we are civilly debating our views of life, existence and everything including what comes next, it would be good for you to provide a couple of example of this assertion. pretty much every verse of the bible has multiple meanings and significances, but it is also a complete work with a central character and the story and future of man contained within it, even though written by 40 different people over 2500 years from widely different areas who had no idea what they were writing would be part of the 66 books we now call the holy bible.

'he who has an ear, let him hear.'

"so what you're saying is you are your own authority?"
I am a son of god, in the language of christianity - with a direct communication with god.

"you are your own saviour"

we have a will and it is our own. no-one can save your own will but you. having god's input is needed too.

"don't you believe you have ever committed a violation that needs its rightful justice?"

I aim not to believe anything since beliefs are a misdirection away from accurate understanding of reality. karma is the process of learning what needs to be learned to create balance.

"- there are around 20 non-christian sources for His actual existence,"

You missed my point. I said that Christ is a state of being. This implies that anyone can be the Christ version of themselves. Jesus may have been aligned to Christ consciousness, relative to his time period - but that does not mean that Christ is A person.

"it would be good for you to provide a couple of example of this assertion"

This is one of the least understood topics on Earth and one of the most challenging to convey. It has taken a series of books spanning over 1000 pages to provide the guidance needed on this by spirit. The ultra short version is that every thought that anyone has which decides not to feel a real feeling, is itself a form of unloving self denial that causes unconsciousness and lack of light/love/power. Everyone is doing this to some extent, with or without awareness of it. This is not something that is relative to a particular time period - this dysfunctional pattern pre-dates Earth.
The more we do this, the more we drift into delusion while being convinced that nothing is awry. The only way to correct this is through reversing the situation and unconditionally accepting the emotions and their message. This is part of the process of aligning to the full self and what we might call the christed self.
It has only been in the last 30 years that deep knowledge of this has been transmitted to Earth by spirit/god and so, essentially, 99.9999% of human experience has been warped by denials that cause untruth to appear to be truth.

you can read the sources of what I am referring to here:

you cleverly evaded the central point of my questions, which is where is the moral imperative to do good, to love your neighbour as yourself, in your philosophy?

you also state i missed your point but then go on to again deny Jesus the Christ's existence as a man, despite my referencing historical sources supporting the thousands of new testament manuscripts.

i just don't get what's wrong with admitting to God we have broken His law on many occasions (stolen, lied, cheated, aborted etc. etc. etc.) which generally meant screwing some one or people over in some way, and we need the righteous blood of someone else to cleanse us of these crimes, accepting gratefully God's free gift of life through the blood sacrifice of His only begotten Son Jesus Christ (adam was created from the earth, not a woman.)

aside from, you know, feelings.

I have not evaded anything here, you did not specifically ask about an imperative to do 'good'. 'good' is a value judgement that is subjective, however, we can feel what is loving and it is through use of the emotional faculty of our living will - the feminine part of self and god, that we can come to know truth. Part of the problem with ALL spiritual teachings from the past on Earth is that they deny the feminine. To deeply understand self, life and love is to feel deeply and to understand empathically and logically that we are one - so harming 'another' is literally harming self. At this point there is no room for anything other than compassion if you intend to be free from denial and to live in truth.

I did not deny Jesus in any way whatsoever, I rejected the notion that he IS christ and that there is no other Christ. Jesus, assuming he existed, was a man who apparently aligned to Christ consciousness. Humanity evolves and so does our ability to understand and attune to Christ consciousness. If humanity has not improved it's ability to understand and align to it's true heart and nature in 2000 years, then it hasn't achieved much. I know that it has.

What you don't 'get' is that I have 2 way communication with God in realtime and I don't need a version of my relationship to be pushed on me by those whose perception of God comes from books alone.

you keep referring to Jesus Christ yet it is clear you have not read His words or those of His witnesses directly. if you had you would not have the opinions you do. what you seem to have done is read books or heard opinions about those words, but not read them directly for yourself.

this is also clear when you say Jesus had 'the Christ consciousness' - which He did (though it's called the Holy Spirit,) but you must also know He sacrificed Himself to be brutally and publicly murdered - is this what you are aiming for too? is this a necessary part of attuning to 'Christ consciousness?'

read His words and message for yourself, both His enemies and those who purport to be for Him have obfuscated it and twisted it to suit their own ends (on this at least i'm sure we agree.)

I have read various text attributed to Jesus and his followers - not all of it and it is not all fresh, verbatim, in my mind.
By stating that if I had read the words attributed to him I would not hold the understandings that I hold, you are denying my own personal experience and the many others sources I am aware of. You are speaking as if you know all there is to be known here.
I can point you to numerous sources who explain jesus's life and death in very different ways to the ones provided by Christianity - which is correct? The oldest one?

Being murdered has nothing to do with Christ consciousness, it is guilt and denial that draw such experiences to us. Acting to sacrifice anything (including self) in the sense of it's destruction is not an act of love or of God - it is a mistake. You do not need to destroy what you want to keep in order to have success, thrive and be in alignment with God.

'By stating that if I had read the words attributed to him I would not hold the understandings that I hold, you are denying my own personal experience and the many others sources I am aware of. '

but what does your personal experience have to do with learning about the most important man in history, or any subject for that matter? it's not about you, it's about Him, or it, or whatever subject you are studying/ contemplating. i'm genuinely confused and not condescending or anything. it's input, not output afaik.

anyway, far more interesting are these explanations of Jesus's words outside of the bible. He is probably the most written about person in history, thousands upon thousands of books over thousands of years, all with different opinions and ideas about His life, burial and raising to God, but afaik no other figure before Jesus ever claimed to be the anointed Christ of YHVH with a message from God that still survives today and where there is historical evidence of His life, death and resurrection, ie - He was telling the truth (if He was lying, He'd have given it up well before being crucified, you'd have thought..)

surely the first and best and most prime source for the explanations of His life and death is the bible itself though? not what anybody including a church or a pastor or a scholar says the bibles says, but the actual scriptures themselves.

i think those words written the closest to His life, death and resurrection, ie - the 600 or so people who witnessed the latter and the thousands the first two, probably have more weight than those written centuries after, or before for that matter. unless you're talking about prophecies about Jesus of course, now that gets really interesting.

'acting to sacrifice anything is a mistake' - what about your life for your child's?

Thank you for this fascinating conversation btw, sorry i have scattered this reply, too many points! peace :-)

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