Did Scientists Just Confirm The Alien Origin Of Man?

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

Scientists just admited that humans were genetically modified, sort of... if they are able to add letters to the DNA, then outer space aliens can do it for sure too. After this wild -- and scary -- discovery, imagining spaceships is no longer a problem, or is it?

However, Earth Custodians believe that all life inherently comes from space, either traveling with the Light, comets... or engineered by advanced sentient beings ... That does not negate the God Equation. Far to the contrary!

The only question since we talk of aliens: are they friendly or malevolent, and right now and considering the state of the planet, they are most likely "malevolent"

Atheistic science just seeks to mimic organic life, to usurp the Creator, so it can control life. Working with the Creator requires collaborating within His Laws.... and rightfully, they even say that the code is predictable and programmable.

This does not bode well.

Of course, most scientists working on this project do not really know what they are doing, they just think it's fun to play God while getting paid for. But higher up where the directions come from and how to handle this particular research, they definitely know about the desired end result.

David Icke could be right, that aliens are dictating all the steps toward the final stage of our enslavement by genetics

Scientists Have Created Synthetic DNA with 4 Extra Letters | February 21, 2019

The researchers crafted the synthetic DNA using four additional molecules, so that the resulting product had a code made up from eight letters rather than four. With the increase in letters, this DNA had, a much greater capacity to store information. Scientists called the new DNA "hachimoji" — meaning "eight letters" in Japanese — expanding on the previous work from different groups that had created similar DNA using six letters. [Genetics by the Numbers: 10 Tantalizing Tales]

Writing the code
Natural DNA is composed of four molecules, called nitrogenous bases, that pair up with each other to form the code for life on Earth: A binds with T; G binds with C. The Hachimoji DNA includes these four natural bases, plus four more synthetically-made nucleotide bases: P, B, Z and S.

The research group, which included several different teams across the U.S., created hundreds of these Hachimoji double helixes with different combinations of the natural and synthetic nucleotide base pairs. Then, they conducted a series of experiments to see if the various double helixes had properties needed to support life.

Requirements for life
The finding that it's possible to add the four synthetic bases and still get a "code that's predictable and programmable ... that's just unprecedented," said Floyd Romesberg, a chemistry professor at Scripps Research in California, who was not a part of the study but who previously published research on an earlier six-letter code. This "landmark paper" suggests indeed that G, C, A and T "are not unique," Romesberg told Live Science.

"By increasing the number of letters from six to eight, the diversity of DNA sequences is greatly increased," Ichiro Hirao, a synthetic molecular biologist at the Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, A*STAR in Singapore who was also not part of the study, said in an email. (Hirao's team was also involved, however, in previous research that created six-letter DNA strands)

Of course, "this is just a first demonstration" of an eight-letter DNA double helix, and for practical use, we need to improve the accuracy and efficiency of replication and transcription into RNA, Hirao said in an email. He imagines that eventually they might be able to build up to even more letters.



This really says nothing at all about the origin of humanity or life on Earth. All it shows is that it is possible for life to exist elsewhere in the universe that is very different, and potentially far more complex (and intelligent) than life on Earth. And given the immensity of the universe, the existence of such extraterrestrial life is not just possible, but very likely.

the whole point is that the DNA is highly manipulable... and should there be alien race(s) way more advanced, it is likely that they intervened in creation of man... it is in the bible too after all... many myths speak on those terms. Thanks for dropping by @vapor

I'm not sure you can say it's likely without first knowing the likelihood of life erupting spontaneously in a given place. It would also depend on whether the laws of physics would even allow an alien race to have traveled here (which would also depend on how far they're coming from). And if life on Earth was created by aliens with more complex DNA, why would they have chosen to limit us to base 4 DNA rather than the 6 or 8 they themselves presumably have, or at least would be capable of creating?

Anyway, it's a fine enough hypothesis you have based on a very interesting new scientific discovery. My point is just that the article itself doesn't actually bring up the origin of life or humanity and makes no claims about it one way or the other.

I like to read between the lines, just like Max Igan and David icke

earth is all there is. the stars are lights in earth's sky, not distant suns. they've lied about absolutely everything, to everyone.

aren't there enough weird and wonderful creatures here on earth (and in the sea!) to make 'aliens' entirely unnecessary (as well as being practically impossible, as there are no other worlds in existence) ?

I suggest learning astral travel to find out what's going on in the cosmos.

i suggest reading the bible to find out what's going on here on earth, and what's shortly about to.

the rest is your imagination, which as you well know is infinite. i repeat, the stars are lights in the sky, not billions of miles away. imagination is infinite..

I have my own connection to the source of the universe - world religions are not god.

on this we are most assuredly agreed. do you think any of the churches today represent Jesus at all, exactly as He prophesied? ('when the Son of man returns, will He find faith on the earth?')

Jesus is adam 2.0, He who was tempted but didn't sin, and therefore won redemption and immortality for us. much better superhero than any other, 'cos this is for real sister. peace.

I do not consider biblical text to be an accurate representation of Jesus or of God - so your question isn't relevant to me. Churches in general, are targeted by unloving spirits to facilitate control of life on Earth.
Sin is just 'mistake'. Karma is not a balance of payments, it's just a process of drawing experience from which to learn to come into balance - a part of the self healing process of creation.
Immortality is not a prize in an old story - it is the result of specific atunement and alignment to loving light and the ending of denial.

'I do not consider biblical text to be an accurate representation of Jesus or of God' - so what is then, what is your source, and how do you know your opinion is more valid than those who lived with and witnessed Jesus through His life, death and resurrection?

It is only through personal experience and direct understanding that we can come to know the deepest aspects of ourselves and origins. I have actually written a book on this topic that is currently unreleased, but aspects of it can be found in other people's lives and their own books going back 1000s of years. In short, when you understand how to embody what we might call 'christ consciousness', then you also understand much more about spirit, god, religion, biblical text and also about others who have attuned to the living christ. Christ is not and never was a person - Christ is a state of being, which is poorly annotated and described in biblical thinking. The main blockage there, which is also the main blockage in humanity as a whole - is 'unloving light'. Unloving light is understanding and literal spiritual energy that lacks heart's insights and also the input of the real emotions and real intuitive guidance. E.g. Nuclear bombs require a lot of understanding but they are not loving, nor supportive of life. Healing a body or a cell requires a lot of understanding, but is loving and the light involved there is loving light.

You need to know your own origin and the nature of your own essence coming in to form if you are to understand the nature of what is presented by world religions and human record in general. Doing that requires making the unconscious self become conscious - which is ultimately a form of resurrection. To all intents and purposes, your unconscious parts are dead, yet the conscious parts of you need to come together to heal them now and to bring their light into being and up to speed.

My message here is not opinion, in that it originates through a combination of direct experience, application and also direct input from both the masculine and feminine aspects of God. Without any of these I would be much less confident, but with the combination of these, the gaps in understanding have been reduced to the point where they are now minimal in terms of speaking to the topics you are raising. There are other topics, which are less well known, which I am not confident in speaking about since I do not know them to the same level yet.

Even if the biblical version of events were completely accurate from the perspective of those who wrote them, there will be denial present within the authors that twists and misunderstands the real details of what occurred. Unfortunately, on top of that denial, we also have deliberate engineering of those documents for political gain too.

There are people, in this time, who lived at that time - reincarnation. The 'returning' is not so hard, you have done it yourself many times - the problem here is memory loss caused by denials in self. Once you start healing emotional suppression, memory can open up and past lives will be recalled (if you have not already recalled them). Past life recollection is one way to get to the truth of our past, but the other is through direct connection to spirit.


Morning @earthcustodian, what about the idea that highly evolved and enlightened aliens have had a hand in the overseeing and guiding human beings on Earth? I believe that the Pleiadians play this pivotal role. It is of course not a science based bit of information but there is so much written in spiritual books that say otherwise.

I heard of this too angie... and all I know for sure is that we cannot trust the "official" story at all... we must keep an open mind because reality is stranger than fiction. Thanks for sharing :)

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