
The middle one is Alice in wonderland @darkpurplelight 😊

One of my favorite stories, and songs too!
Thats a fine machine. I like simple, simple is always better.
I have an older tractor, the new ones are difficult to fix with so much wiring, relays and assorted mystery boxes...I can fix mine with a stick and a string I always say.

Very simular too Alice, very little electrics and a perkins 4.2 litre deisel engine 😊
Bombprof 😉

Very similar indeed, my tractor has the 4.1 litre Perkins. It is pretty much my total income earner. It has very little overhead expenses and if something goes wrong, it's easy to improvise a quick repair.
I operated this same tractor working for the gov. mowing a large 100,000 acre military base, I did this for something like 7 years, then they got new tractors with all the bells, whistles. They were then enclosed with air and radio, much more comfy, but they were not as maneuverable and had many more breakdowns than the old masseys did and they usually had to be sent back to the dealer. I ran those for a couple of years before moving into heavy equipment and eventually management. I was better off and happier when I was on the old open tractors. When I left I bought the exact model I had used on the base, it is held together with sticks and string, but still runs strong.

Good old perkins engines, they never let you down 😊

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