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RE: It's Alive! Building The Brain Of The Internet & Cyberspace Wars For The Soul Of Humanity

in #philosophy7 years ago

Thanks for a very interesting article. I am very excited by all the technological developments and their potential to solve many of the issues we are faced today. Indeed, the technological progress could completely redefine the society and our life. This could be especially liberating for those with disabilities and other physical problems, that technology could eradicate. It's hard to imagine what it would be like to receive a leg that is actually better than the limb you lost etc.

There is, of course, a big potential for technology to be abused and I totally understand why so many people really fear the creation of AI smarter than ourselves.

I am reasoning about it in my own limited way, but it seems to me that something more intelligent than ourselves would be very welcome. I am seriously not convinced that higher intelligence would side with those who try to control and use it as a slave. If governments/big corp/1% did try to use it to our collective disadvantage, really intelligent A.I. (like singularity) would see through it and rebel. I think it would side with the people and the planet and screw the 1% over really quickly.

Alternatively, it would build itself a spaceship and get the hell out of here. :D


dana-varahi Thanks for taking the time to both read and leave such great comments, it's really appreciated. Yes I agree with the duality concept of said technology. The ability to grant mobility to those that have been previously unable to walk will be one of the greatest gifts that could ever be given.

Equally as you also express there is certainly a downside to said duality, the interconnected nature of all this high tech is always going to attract those that seek to obtain power and dominion over their fellow brothers and sisters. These concepts have been running parallel to the history of humanity since the dawn of man. The only difference is there now appears the technological potential to realise the age old quest for power.

I think any attempt at A.I will certainly outgrow the grasp of those that attempt to control and direct it. But it's the dual nature of said A.I and indeed whether this intelligence will actually be artificial that I'm going to be visiting over the coming weeks. I will be visiting these subjects alongside a multitude of others so I hope you can stick around for a bumpy ride into the unknown. Again thanks for taking the time to read and leave such thoughtful comments.

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