
Yes , if those gifts do not go against the rules of the community then it should not matter . If the bots purpose is to scam , then it’s seen from the beginning . Anyone getting themselves into the bots should read and observe before investing

I'm not talking about profit bots but benefactor bots which do not require people to invest in them. I'm talking software bots which exist on a blockchain such as Tezos, Ethereum, or Tauchain, which by their own means earn a profit. How they do it will not be knowable because the currency they received could be entirely anonymous and untracable (like Monero and Zcash), so we might not be able to track the flow or source of value.

Yet the value could still reach you without you being able to determine if it's "dirty" or "clean" money. It could be the result of people gambling, or it could have come from some hackers, or it could have come from trading arbitrage.

  • I'm not talking about the very dumb quality bots we see on Steem today although these bots could migrate to Steem because we are talking about code and data.
  • These bots have no owners.
  • These bots will profit from activities which cannot be traced or tracked.
  • These bots will be autonomous as in they can learn and operate without any human assistance.

In a way some could view these bots as a sort of malware. But this kind of malware instead of spreading spam would be spreading "digital love" in the form of gifts. As we know these digital value tokens can manifest into physical items at the doorstep of whomever is in the database.

To speak of how these bots could look in code without going into too much detail, the bots would require a very large ever growing decentralized database. This database would be how the bots determine who is on the "whitelist". This whitelist would be the group of individuals, names, addresses, locations, updated in a real time manner. Theoretically these bots could send for instance Bitcoins directly to the email address of anyone in the database, or purchase items on the wishlist of any person by paying a human in Bitcoin to buy the item (think, or much more.

If we re talking about digital items for example these bots might not have to provide anything beyond giving access tokens to the individuals on the whitelist to get information before others. For example having access to certain data which can help the disadvantaged immediately become the advantaged.

Because these bots can access a database (think of something like IPFS), then in theory these bots could even access all our Steemit names, buy Steem Dollars, and send Steam to the accounts. And of course if it spreads it could spread to Steem too but I think it would have to reward a human being somewhere along the line for something like this to take place.

Society would probably try to stop these sorts of bots.

Society wants things that will make their life easier and these bots provide the easy way out of everything . Not only does it make everything digital but it allows convince. These bots may be a problem if we analayze the little things .

But many of us don’t really sit and think we see , we tend to focus on getting progress back .

As for the other bots , we will never know what we have if it’s never in front of us what happens behind the picture . Bots are the future and they are taking over more and more of technology everyday

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