What do you think of the concept of the ownerless "benefactor bot"?

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

In one of my previous posts I discussed the concept of "profit bots" which are owned bots which profit on behalf of others. Profit bots for instance could be owned by the token holders, make a profit, and simply pass the profits to those holders. The concept of a benefactor bot is a bit different.

Benefactor bots have no owners and the creators are anonymous

These bots (fully autonomous agents) could be created by anonymous. Anonymous could create these bots to protect a social network of people which they deem worthy of having an autonomous benefactor. These autonomous benefactor bots could make a profit just like profit bots but the difference is that these bots would have a large list of tens of thousands or perhaps millions of wallet addresses owned by unique individuals. These bots would be smart enough to know the individuals behind these addresses, and would be fully autonomous in how they operate.

The benefactor bots could be designed to use not only crypto currencies, but also to mask the transmissions of transactions so that it cannot be detected by ISPs, by surveillance, by other bots or analysis. These bots essentially would send data in whichever form the entities on it's list can accept, and this could be in any crypto token, or in masked forms which are obfuscated crypto token transmissions.

The questions now emerge, that if you were to receive a monthly or daily gift from some of these benefactor bots, what exactly would you do? These bots could work under a gift economy, and simply give gifts to random individuals on a large list or from a database. These gifts would not obviously be viewed as bribes, but they could be? The individuals would have to either accept the gifts or accept the gifts and report it to the authorities. How would society handle this? What if these bots choose to give gifts to the oppressed, or to people with an estimated low net worth, or to the families of crime victims?

These benefactor bots in my opinion will exist in the next 5-6 years. The technology to create these bots exists now and if people have the political will then these bots would exist. These bots in theory might never even have to send money directly to individuals but could send money to buy items on an individual's wish list (similar to purse.io). These bots could at least in theory operate entirely in the background paying for stuff without the people receiving the benefits even knowing they received it.


I feel like if they are helping others along the way of making profit in the long run , then I do not see it as wrong

Interesting. You are a future lawyer so your opinion and thoughts on this hold an extraordinary amount of weight. Are you saying as long as the bots are perceived as ethical that you would accept gifts from the bots?

Yes , if those gifts do not go against the rules of the community then it should not matter . If the bots purpose is to scam , then it’s seen from the beginning . Anyone getting themselves into the bots should read and observe before investing

I'm not talking about profit bots but benefactor bots which do not require people to invest in them. I'm talking software bots which exist on a blockchain such as Tezos, Ethereum, or Tauchain, which by their own means earn a profit. How they do it will not be knowable because the currency they received could be entirely anonymous and untracable (like Monero and Zcash), so we might not be able to track the flow or source of value.

Yet the value could still reach you without you being able to determine if it's "dirty" or "clean" money. It could be the result of people gambling, or it could have come from some hackers, or it could have come from trading arbitrage.

  • I'm not talking about the very dumb quality bots we see on Steem today although these bots could migrate to Steem because we are talking about code and data.
  • These bots have no owners.
  • These bots will profit from activities which cannot be traced or tracked.
  • These bots will be autonomous as in they can learn and operate without any human assistance.

In a way some could view these bots as a sort of malware. But this kind of malware instead of spreading spam would be spreading "digital love" in the form of gifts. As we know these digital value tokens can manifest into physical items at the doorstep of whomever is in the database.

To speak of how these bots could look in code without going into too much detail, the bots would require a very large ever growing decentralized database. This database would be how the bots determine who is on the "whitelist". This whitelist would be the group of individuals, names, addresses, locations, updated in a real time manner. Theoretically these bots could send for instance Bitcoins directly to the email address of anyone in the database, or purchase items on the wishlist of any person by paying a human in Bitcoin to buy the item (think Purse.io), or much more.

If we re talking about digital items for example these bots might not have to provide anything beyond giving access tokens to the individuals on the whitelist to get information before others. For example having access to certain data which can help the disadvantaged immediately become the advantaged.

Because these bots can access a database (think of something like IPFS), then in theory these bots could even access all our Steemit names, buy Steem Dollars, and send Steam to the accounts. And of course if it spreads it could spread to Steem too but I think it would have to reward a human being somewhere along the line for something like this to take place.

Society would probably try to stop these sorts of bots.

Society wants things that will make their life easier and these bots provide the easy way out of everything . Not only does it make everything digital but it allows convince. These bots may be a problem if we analayze the little things .

But many of us don’t really sit and think we see , we tend to focus on getting progress back .

As for the other bots , we will never know what we have if it’s never in front of us what happens behind the picture . Bots are the future and they are taking over more and more of technology everyday

bots are our future, robots are a part of life already.
your idea seems to be useful and great. it's like a lottery but you dont buy a ticket)
to receive such help from such a bot will be like a gift from the sky)

Great article. These generous bots are working silently to boost steem Blockchain.

I really love this idea, The Dogecoin Tip bot was so important to the growth of crypto. I believe if there were bots that could do that type of thing for the betterment of the platform it would be great. Overall it would be very interesting for contests that run themselves and allow use to gamify the platform in a way never thought possible. Upvoted Cheers! (>")>

Bots is our future

this is very amazing, i after reading your post and understand some points that i can take but that make my heart amazed adalalah you design making generous bot it is hard work and you do it very nice and amazed me see it .. seen from posts you share, you are a great person in my opinion

I don't understand fully. Do you mean.bt I think your content is very good.

ha ha. someone mention me. he thinks you need a robot design for you bot. I am also excited to check.

I think that upvote bots should be not-for-profit. Pretty much all the up voting bots on here are not powering themselves up rather putting all the collected SBD to the SP donors and thus reconcentrating the SBD pool away from the small guy back to the elite whales.

Any economy that has unequal distribution of wealth is not stable and thus the problem with the larger value upvote bots.

But what if someone went ahead and created a bot for a charity then used all the SBD generated by it to power it up to a certain payout say $50. After which it started rewarding the generated SBD to contests or other ways to redistribute the SBD evenly again rather then concentrating it into one account.

I think a lot of people would rather use a up vote bot that was designed to be not for profit and it something that the @minnowsupport project or @ned should look at getting going.

Any economy that has unequal distribution of wealth is not stable

Have you looked at communism yet?

I mean sever unequal distribution. Think African dictatorships. Societies with a strong middle class do the best socially.

If the top 1% has 99.5% of the wealth how does that lead to a fair economy. This is currently the issue with steem being so low. Dan is selling Steem like mad in huge quantities and he will be keeping it low until he has divested his interests which still equal millions of Steem. (3 days ago he divested 50,000 Steem but was doing much larger volumes previously when the price of Steem was better. )

For every wealthy billionaire there is on this planet how many more poor people are supporting that billionair's lifestyle? It most definitely and exponential curve and for what? Once you accumulate a certain amount of wealth your lifestyle no longer changes that much. Certainly not to justify the other people that you are keeping in poverty.

Not everyone in society has a benefactor. Oppressed groups could be given the benefactor in the form of these bots. This could mean the descendants of slavery in the US, or the native Americans, or immigrant groups who are minorities, anyone who has been historically oppressed.

It's not made to be "equal" and it's not communism. It would be perceived as "social justice" by means of capitalism and AI. Of course law enforcement and others might perceive it in a different way perhaps.

What I speak of in my post goes far beyond "upvote bots" which only live on Steem. I'm talking about bots which live on a blockchain but which are not limited to any specific blockchain, and which act as benefactors in other words, yes they could buy votes on Steem and gift the upvotes if a Steem upvote bot is selling votes to these bots.

But I'm talking about bots which can through markets, trade, etc, manifest actual gifts in the physical world. For example maybe the bot by rewarding a delivery network in Monero or Zcash, can arrange for the delivery of a brand new car to your door. Is this possible? I think not only will it be possible but it will become potentially impossible to trace.

How would you determine where the car came from or that a bunch of bots communicating online arranged for it? How would you respond? Would you get freaked out? What regulations would be effective to deal with it? How would you trace the value exchanges if it's done in truly anonymous crypto such as Monero and Zcash?

These are questions regulators haven't asked and no one seems to think about. Today an upvote on Steem by a bot translates into $. Tomorrow being loved by the bots could translate into getting anything you want manifested on your wishlist at random.

So the end result would be that they would devalue which ever cryptocurrency that they are converting into real world goods and if left to go unchecked on a large scale would not be sustainable.

Governments would likely consider it as a gift which depends on your local tax law for high end rewards. One of the questions for the companies selling the goods is are they laundering the money. If they can't prove who bought their goods that could make them suspicious to their law enforcement/government for where the money came from and also could serve as a regulating factor.

Something else to consider are those bots fundamentally different from the high frequency trading bots on the stock market? I would argue not too much.

I don't see how it would devalue anything unless you follow the labor theory of value and even then, robot labor is just as valuable as human labor. So the bots in a sense could earn crypto by providing value or not. Does mining add value for example?

I was meaning devaluation in the sense that currently most crypto's you would have to sell into another currency to get real world value for. If the currency selling outpaces the purchasing of the currency it would be devalued.

If you have a cryptocurrency that the bot is gaining and able to buy real world goods with directly then that point would be negated.

Think Zcash or Monero, these sorts of currencies would be what this sort of bot would be working with but these is no reason why this sort of bot would require only one wallet when it can have hundreds of wallets for different altcoins. It can also trade so whatever you could do to switch from one currency to another a bot could do too. The only thing it cannot do is touch fiat.

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