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RE: The Absurdity of Life without God

in #philosophy8 years ago

There are many issues I have with this 'opinion' and the first one being the assumptions rooted firmly in human arrogance. To suggest that we are the only creature in the universe that asks the question "why?", is an assumption. We really do not know what other sentient life forms exist in the universe and to suggest that we are the only one is refuting the statistical likelihood that there is other sentient life. And as far as life on this planet, to make such an assumption without the ability to communicate with other life forms except in the most rudimentary ways, is dismissing of other forms of intellect and intuition is spatial intellect. Yes, we humans have linear rationality, and our society is imbalanced toward the left brain processes, but this process is a hindsight process and its true purpose is to translate the spatial intellect, but, due to the Age of Reason, in the modern human the spatial intellect has become subservient to the linear intellect and this has given rise to all kinds of problems in the world. But in relation to this post, it assumes that other animals who do not have similar reasoning abilities as ours, do not ask the same questions we do. We simply do not know for sure and to make such assumption is not an intelligent approach. Assumptions rarely ever are intelligent.

Other assumptions that I find counterproductive to such discussions, is the belief in the Big Bang Theory ~ a wonderful piece of mythology that as a theory has more variable data than it does have verifiable data and as such is a failed paradigm. Personally, this need to give the universe a beginning and an end is rooted firmly in anthropomorphizing the universe. Is it truly impossible that the universe is infinite? I don't have the time to dispute all the alleged proofs of the standard model, that would require a posting all on its own, but the theory of the electric universe does do exactly that.

As for the "I" that believes it will no longer exist, this "I" is attached to the material world and therefore believes that it is the body. But is it? Descarte said, "I think therefore I am." This to me is an incomplete statement. It should be, I think therefore I am thought. The I that I identify with is the I that exists within my mind. It is not the I that is reflected in the mirror, though it certainly is an important aspect of who I am, for it enables me to interact with the physical reality that is this universe that we all share. But it is not the be all and end all of who I am, for parts of my body can be removed and that does not on its own change the I that exists within my mind. And it is through such limiting thinking that one finds themself in a limiting and depressing philosophy of life that requires a judgemental god as an allegedly objective observer whose main concern seems to be whether or not you are worshipping his jealous ass sufficiently.

Personally, I am a panpsychic deist. In other words I believe in God, it is not anthropomorphized into a bearded white old man as has been presented in many mythic personalizations of the supreme deity. God is infinite, eternal, all knowing, etc and quite frankly believing that such a being would care at all about a finite fallible ignorant creature such as man is absurd and arrogant to the extreme. God really does not care about you. For 'caring' is a quality of the finite that perceives in duality . God is unity therefore does not perceive in dualistic concepts such as caring vs apathy, light vs dark. Equally so, to subscribe gender to god is again applying one half of duality to that which is unity and therefore is both.

The meaning your life has, is, the meaning that you give it. It is a simple axiom that does not require anything else but you. It is a curious thing but how you perceive reality is how reality will appear. In other words your perspective is defined by your state of mind. If depressed the universe, god, will reveal a depressing reality and of course the same is true in reverse. Liars tend to believe everyone else is a liar, thieves are afraid of being robbed and adulterers tend to accuse their other of cheating on them.

If your morality is based on the promise of the immortal carrot and stick , then what meaning has your morality? Little to none. In fact, it isn't morality at all for it has no basis in the self; that which gives your life meaning. To do good things with the expectation of a reward makes you little more than Pavlov's dog. The only reason one does good things is because it is good to do good things. And to suggest that atheism leads to immorality is to ignore the heinous crimes of all religions throughout the world committed by pious believers of their religion. Genital mutilation in males and females to patriarchal domination and subjugation of the feminine, are immoral aspects of God believing religions.

The universe is, in my opinion, infinite and a closed system. The laws of thermodynamics state that energy in a closed system never dies. The I that I AM is thought and thought is electrical therefore as energy in a closed system I shall exist infinitely. I just probably won't be the finite being that I am now.


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