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RE: A philosophy of life: What is you north?

in #philosophy5 years ago (edited)

Dear @LanzJoseG

I'll try to keep it as brief as possible since I've been wanting to comment for 3 days or more (actually lost count, there is always something happening that makes me delay the comment..)

Many times there is so much anxiety to arrive before, that we always forget to live;

Totally agree with this statement, and my personal view is that it is derived from the globalist technocratic, oligarchy that we have in our current societal paradigm, that constantly indoctrinate us to pat attention to all the mundane and material things that don't really matter, hence diverging us from living in the present moment. is important to reflect and ask what I am doing with my life? What is my philosophy of life?

And these are 2 very important questions that might help one to align with the "road to salvation", to a truthful way of living, because if we never question our own ways how would we know if we are not actually being conducted by something or someone else..

..full glass, half full or empty..

Not that it matters but I'll write here my view on it, it is always a glass container, if it was full and You drink only half of it's content, it will still be a glass container, now half full or half empty, if You happen to drink it all, then it will still be a glass container, now empty, and what really matter is the content itself, if if it water and You're thirsty, better drink the water, if it is poison, leave it be or dispose of it the best way possible (..many people still choose to drink it.. don't do it..), then You'll still have a glass container and what really matter is the content in it or the absence of it..

that is why if life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

No, no no, You make tea (without sugar), cause lemonade is full of sugar and sugar is bad for You ^^P

The human being is full of imperfections , is a mortal

The human being is indeed mortal (although I believe it is perfect as it is, the actions chosen are the imperfections on the mind by following ego, but that is other entire different talk/topic), but I do 'know' that we are in essence not the temporary material mortal human being (vehicle for the soul) and that only with that in mind it is possible to live in truth (but that is my understanding)..

Life is a test that you can pass or fail and neither of the two options is bad. On the contrary, you have to learn and when you learn, you are living at that moment.

Well I do agree with both but I see life more as a part of a bigger journey and more of a small learning period (not exactly a test but it can definitely be seen that way), from my point of view we were on the journey, born, experience, learn, decide a lot of things and then we die and we continue in the journey, whether to achieve union with the One Creator or simply continue on the journey until we're ready to remember that we are all from the One Creator and to Him we will eventually return when ready..

what I am going to is that my philosophy of life is that when I kneel before God, it is not to ask him to solve my problems, no, in a particular way I think "and only God is going to solve this "? I do not go to sleep to leave my problems to God, because I ask God to open the roads and my understanding to see clearly all the possible solutions, which will allow me to find the means I need at that moment not to ask literally everything given.

I found this very beautiful, it's comforting to see another human that remembered something very important, that the answers are always in the most deep of ourselves, and that is God (the One Creator), and that we may but should not ask for everything, instead we should ask for strength and clarity to see the truth and do our part in solving whatever challenge we might cross paths with..

I'm sorry for taking too long to comment, and also want to thank You for such an amazing post, the deep topic. It was a very good read and to some extent thought provoking (in the sense of one questioning him/her self way of life and philosophy)

(edit some seconds before posting: Almost forgot, my philosophy in life is to live always in truth even if it creates "problems", because the One Creator is Truth and which better way could I have to live if not in Truth, trying to be present, aware and conscientious at all moments..)

Wish You all the best in life, and after it,

Another mindblowing comment @cyberspacegod :)

Great read. Thx for being so responsive and supportive to others

Man!!! It's too lonnnng!!! (no pun intended! )

I'll try to keep it as brief as possible

Yeah! Right!

If you're going to be a teacher or master... you're going to put your audience to sleep... You have to summarize...

I'm kidding you, Cy!

I found this very beautiful, it's comforting to see another human that remembered something very important, that the answers are always in the most deep of ourselves, and that is God (the One Creator), and that we may but should not ask for everything, instead we should ask for strength and clarity to see the truth and do our part in solving whatever challenge we might cross paths with..

I like that!

Nice to seeing you!

Ohh!! You got me there for a second!

And I actually summarized to the best of my abilities =Þ

Cheers mate ;D

(edit:)P.S.: I have Your post open in other tab to answer as soon as possible, and don't worry with the people who told You bad stuff ;)

I wanted to make an innocent joke on you and put a smile on your face.

P.S.: I have Your post open in other tab to answer as soon as possible, and don't worry with the people who told You bad stuff ;)

It actually happened to a great friend and I felt it as if it was towards myself.

It was a great opportunity to meditate and know the opinion of others


And You did brother x), as soon as I understood it was a joke, until that point I was like

..I will comment later, still have a few things to do first, if I don't fall asleep on my keyboard first, it's starting to look comfy and I just don't know what sleep is like anymore x)..

Thank You for commenting thou,

Cheers ;)

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