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RE: Running and Witness Consciousness

I never thought of running as a form of meditation but when you think about it logically, I guess this is a really good way to meditate what better way to focus on your breathing, how does it leave you feeling, do you feel at peace after the run ??


It depends on different factors. Not every run is meditative, nor would I necessarily want them to be. A hard workout with a specific pace/time goal isn’t conducive to meditation. But just running by feel without a watch, when I’m in good enough shape that I’m comfortable running for a certain amount of time, etc. — then it can be meditative. But it is about focusing on breathing and balance, and then you can also repeat a mantra, or just practice not holding onto thoughts. When it happens (because I’m not sure I can force it) I definitely feel at peace after. Or sometimes I just get so inspired about some idea that I have to stop, pull out my phone and just write for a while. Running makes me want to write quite often, so that’s probably the meditative effect too.

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