The analytical memory associations vs the emotional associations

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

This post is an addendum to Logic & Reason versus Emotions and preferences. How I trained my brain. Where I talk about using language to train your bran in using logic and reason without mixing it with emotions. In this post I am going to talk about what I think happens in the brain do to Neural Pathway Plasticity. You can if you like see how language can be used to separate the analytical mind from the emotional mind below in my opinion.

Logic & Reason versus Emotions and preferences. How I trained my brain.  


                                                Photo Source: Pixabay                

In reading about Neural Plasticity I learned that the more often a person uses a mental process the stronger the physical connections in the brain. If you stop using the function than the physical connections begin fading. I also noticed that if a long enough period of time between when you use that mental process and when you again use that mental process that some Neural Pathways are not manifested enough for the mind to function properly using that function. Not really a big deal seeing as because of the Neural Pathways Plasticity those connection will be rebuilt and because their is already a frame work it will happen faster than the original. 


                               Photo Source: Pixabay   

Of course while reading about the physical Neural Pathways Plasticity I had already read many ideas on how the mind is more than just the physical make up of the brain. In fact anyone who has meditated learns that they can observe themselves observing which lead me to the idea that perhaps we have a logical and reasonable observer and a emotional observer. To me this further imply s that the process are a extension of the mind and is housed in the hard-wiring of the brain. To be clear I am not a doctor and am merely sharing my own thoughts that are based on my own research. Everyone should do their own research and determine for themselves what the data means.

                                                Photo Source: Pixabay

This lead me to ask the question:

Why are the two process so different that when you mix the two the results always resemble the emotional minds output? 

After thinking about this for a while I came to some personal conclusions about what the data which is used by both processes, but gives different returns means to me.  Note both Emotional Mind & Analytical mind in operations processed separately.

  1. The emotional minds purpose in my mind is to provide motivation to act in the direction that obtains the desire produced by the emotional mind. Inside data only observer.
  2. The analytical minds purpose is to determine what acts in the real world is most likely to achieve the desired goal. 
  • Using experienced natural law or outside data only observer. 
  1. The fact that both minds use exactly the same data to achieve there goals, but use the data in entirely different ways (purpose's), imply s that the distinct function are necessarily run as separate programs, and that imply s two different types of formatting for the different processes. 
  • Use of both the Analytical mind and the Emotional mind separately processed and than co comprehended and understood. This answers the question of how the Analytical Mind is important part of the process of the Emotional Minds attaining its wants and desires through logic and reason.

                                                     Photo Source: Pixabay

This lead me to another question: 

What hypothetically happens to the functions if they are consistently mixed together when operating.?  

In my opinion what happens is both processes functionality is decreased, because the process the data is put under are necessarily different. The process are accessing the same data, which means to me the associations are the same, but each process stores the data separately to provide a neural pathway that leads to the respective process perhaps storing the data using a different format. Using the emotional process with the logical reasonable processor changes the observers observations. Using the logical reasonable processor with the emotional associated data also changes the observers observation. 

One clear result is that the difference between using the correct associative data with the correct processor and mixing the two changes the output. Desires created using the emotional associated data correctly leads to accurate desires and therefore accurate motivation. A result would be the ability to use language to express your emotion in terms that others can comprehend and understand.

Using the Analytical mind incorrectly with the Emotional Minds associated data also changes the observations of the observer. It leads to a dysfunctional Analytical Mind because the data retrieved is formatted for the Emotional Mind and not the Analytical Mind. Kind of like trying to open a word document with a video program. I call this decreased process that occurs  when you mix emotional mind with analytical mind Emotion Think.

                                                      Photo Source: Pixabay

Which lead me to another question: 

What does neural plasticity have to do with these two process.?

Parents notice that their children when very young don't actually have very much if any ability to use logic and reason, but that the emotional mind is operating and producing actions like crying to be feed or changed with no problem. Hypothetically the emotional mind produces the desire and motivation for the creation of the logical mind. Who knows? I certainly don't. I do think however that as the child learns language their ability to make sense of the world around them seems to grow right alongside of their vocabulary. 

I think this imply s that the formation of the logical mind is underway and therefore a building of the Neural Pathways is under construction. If so how well the parents or the adults who spend the most time with the child separate and make distinctions between what is emotional language and what is Analytical language determines how well the associated data formatting is separated for the processes, and therefor how well the observers observes.


                                                              Photo Source: Pixabay

To me the processor the data is put through is so different that how consistently the person uses the correct language determines perhaps which formatted data is retrieved for processing. I learned that for me being careful of which terms I used when expressing either my emotion or my analysis was over time a effective way to use the Neural Plasticity of the mind to build the correct neural pathways to the correct associated memories. I noticed that for me doing so increased the accuracy of both my analytical mind and Emotional mind. 


                                                  Photo Source: Pixabay

I strongly suggest that people do their own research to determine if my analysis is correct. No one should every play with how their mind works. One can look at what research has been done in the respective fields of science to get valuable incite into how the brain works, but the final decision as to what will work for you is ultimately your decision to make, because the consequences will also be yours to reap. 

                                      Have you trained your mind?

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Good post. Our minds from a very early age are kind of programmed to form emotional associations to things especially when it comes to commercialism.

Your are correct. All I am trying to do is throw some fertilizer on minds that are not awake and aware so that at some time in the future they remember this post and begin the process of training their minds. There is hope that this will happen as 22 eyes have seen the post, but merely six have up voted it and 1 comment. We will see what we see. LOL

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