Philosophical Discussion Panel; Does The Writ of Habeas Corpus hold a potential double meaning?


What is Habeas Corpus?

Habeas Corpus is an Anglo-Saxon law from 1679 that is still relevant world-wide today.

Habeas Corpus, translated means "you inhabit the body".

It is a law that is generally used when an apprehender detains a person without allowing a trial (Like what happens in Guantanamo Bay )

However, the name in itself makes me question whether it has a deeper meaning.


Modern day law operates through the charging of corporations.

These corporations exist only on paper.

A corporation is brought into being through registration; this is the birthing process.

When a corporation is registered, when it is born, it is born through the agreement that it can be charged for violation of "law".

This model of Law is copied from natural law.

When you are birthed into this physical realm as a spirit; you are birthed through the agreement that you shall adhere to the law.

For example, one of the lawful conditions of an earth incarnation as a human, is that you have to have a physical vessel: your spirit must therefore orchestrate the union of your parents (through the law of attraction etc) so that you may be birthed.

This is actual Law.

If you wish to incarnate as a human being on earth, you have to follow the process and adbide by the laws.

The actual laws of the universe cannot be broken; they are forces of nature.

Man made law is made to be broken.

That is the difference.

Man made law has been borrowed from natural law.

Man made law is fake; Man made law can be broken.

When you incarnate onto planet earth, you make no covenant to follow man made law.

However, when your parents register your birth, they are registering your name as a corporation: and in a mocking of natural law, the condition of this birth is the following of man made law.

If you register a name as a legal entity, you are doing it under the understanding that said entity can now be charged through the legal system.




What I have been wondering...

Is Habeas Corpus more than a get out of jail free card?

If one inhabits the body, then one cannot be the name.

You are charged through the legal system under the (false) assumption that YOU, the person behind the name, is the same entity AS the name.

Yet if you inhabit the body, how can you inhabit the name?

If you inhabit the body, the name is not yours.

The strawman is not who you are, it exists for business purposes.

As such, is it not possible, under a writ of Habeas Corpus which explains such, to be free of all man made laws through the registering of Habeas Corpus?

If you were to register yourself as the body, not the name, would you not be able to be free of all legal charges?

Would you not be free from our tyrannical world government?

Would you not be free from man made law?

What do you think?

Do you think this is a possibility?

Please let me know your thoughts in the comments.

I'd love to initiate a deep discussion on the topic...

Thats why all comments will be paid a portion of the Steem pay out.

Please tell us what you think...

Is this a possibility?

Thank you for your attention.


Thought provoking indeed.

Thought provoking...but do you think it is a possibility?

Man made Law can be a noose with the appearance of a ribbon bow.

Hey there :) I don't know if not posting for eleven days means you're away from steemit entirely, but if you are checking in, I would love to see you a part of this idea by son-of-satire Even if you're away for awhile this will hopefully be an ongoing thing. I'm going to link this post to him as well :)

I didn't know what it meant. The word corpus is the only one that looks familiar. I definitely learned something new. I try to be in my body, but get lost at times. It is a battle, but I think its because we need both sides. Being here, and being lost in activities.

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