Warning - Destruction is just 1 Click Away - A simple guide for prevention

in #philosophy7 years ago

Destruction means Different things to different people :

A simple guide to Preventing Yours

Most peoples Reputation is Important to them, in fact right here @ Steemit we are scored on reputation.
So there could be a financial impact, which almost everybody is concerned about.
How about Physical Punishment ?, Again I would have to say Most would avoid it.

You are very different from Me , But we share the same philosophy above probably ?

Leading to the point to this post......I and maybe even You, Have experienced the powers that be ! Over a Social Media post, picture or video that was shared publicly. that's no the topic here but the reason.

I think making a personal checklist to go over Before Clicking Post: is essential and should be thought about before posting personnel stories about real people especially. So here is just a sample.....

  • Will this post inflame, embarrass, or implicate someone or myself, And can I l live with the results.
  • How is my emotional state ? and its it the driving force of this post ? & Am I being reasonable.
  • Big 1 for me: Am I DRUNK which alone has created many issues for me :-). ( another blog ) LOL
  • Does Anybody have a interest in this post or am I simply venting?

You take it from here.....Many people are in Jail, got fired, lost friendships etc from careless posts.
A little forethought goes a long way in today's World the whole world could be watching in fact....


Remember - Laws are being created or are in place in many Country's to limit and punish Free Speech !

And your posts here are timeless

Just be Aware & Take Care

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Good looking out @codypanama but for me in this sweet short life (90years=1000months)
There just nothing to fear but fear itself. If I die today thinking and speaking freely it's a good death of a good life. If I live to be 100 with my tail between my legs it is not. Yes you're right life hating zero populationists are instituting laws to trap, neutralize and silence the voices and actions of their victims/detractors but that's why sacrifices must be made and we must speak out! But... you are absolutely correct and I thank you for the heads up about thinking a post through before posting it. No reason to lash out, which I am guilty of but never proud. The person on the receiving end may not be so stable as they seem and your or my cruel words and intent may be the straw that breaks them and that's a big whack of karma best avoided so yeah, think it through. And always be humble enough to say sorry If you're wrong and be quick to both forgive and ask to be forgiven. Be human, humble thyself. Thank goodness we can post edit on steemit, I'd have a shitload of typos and incomprehensible sentences if not. Ok nuff said, I agree with you mostly, nice post, upvoted!

Great response, we are 2 peas in a pod
I've never done a person to person Flame, more what I call Philosophical tantrums Hehe or call out the powers that be, and making them aware of my knowledge. usually with a snoot full, and not very literate or articulate ( I Love Spellchecker ) but only works if your looking, and not just furiously typing away LOL
I've been threatened, and abused, but also the same information gets to nice people on the inside, and doors have opened too :-)
Life is Good either way .

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