
I definitely see my own way of thinking throughout this post. There are things that we do or others do that we don't understand and this is what I see as "God moving in mysterious ways", which is a line from my mom's favorite Christian song. Many see looking for "God" in someone as looking for "good" in someone. To me it's all us, we are it and whatever we do is beyond our understanding until it isn't and it's all God, even the chaos created by man. My brother use to say we are the descendents of God. Everything we search to blame others for, it's us. It's the horrible beauty of it all. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. One love


The horrible beauty of it all. Love that saying.

Yeah that's a good one Stace! Damn!
Nice one!

All of these perceptions are interpreted subjectively because we all have our own relative experiences with nature and God.

I share your beliefs this was an insightful piece.

I do not personify God but I understand why people do.

God is a word that means many things - love, universe, nature, divine....and it is everything and everyone.

hope thats ok

I'm not a bible thumper by any means. I think you make so many valid points here that if I didn't believe or wavered in them, I would be on your coattails, hanging on for the ride,

But I don't and I am comfortable with that and I still love you, or course, agnostic that you are. No sneering allowed, you hear?

I have blind faith. But, I won't drink the cool-aide.

Tip! Worthy Write

Thanks for the read and feedback! I think agnostic is probably the best term for it since I don't really ascribe to anything in particular, but I do have faith it all works out how it's meant to in the end. :)

You know what? I know you have faith and honor and sincerity and manners and you uphold the right from wrong.

It really doesn't get much better than that. Now, off that box and give me a poem!!!

Pretty please?

It's hilarious to me that I was writing a poem when you posted this. :)

You know I'm clapping inside. :)

Namaste. Great read and thank you for sharing this. Too bad I missed the voting mark. I think I may post about this tomorrow as well— my beliefs. Thanks for inspiring.

I'm glad I could provide some inspiration! Thanks for checking out my work. Namaste.

Nice Article.. I'm also agnostic but not an atheist. I understand why people personify the idea God. That is to find answers, i mean absolute answers which technically don't exist and add mystical experiences to that, which science seemed to falsify. But I share the same belief, we are all one with everything.

The statement of science falsifying mystical experiences I'd say is quite debatable. I see it as science is just another descriptive language that can be used to understand a mystic experience in a different light. If God is everything, then God cannot be separated by or from science. Namaste

@staceyjean Yes, I always look at it that way. I trust science as the detailed answer to some of our questions. I was wrong to generalize science in falsifying mystic experiences. What I mean was that looking at things in black and white, people tend to look science as more on analytical and religion/faith as something more on spiritual. But when you look at things in shades of grey. You'll be able to connect the dots. I'm sorry for that. I believe in God because I can find God in both science and in faith.

I consider science to be my religion. Since the founding of the scientific method, objective observation is the main process by which science happens. The key phrase here is objective observation. This is why the majority of scientific research does not give an opinion on god. However, science shows evidence of god all the time.

People are taught to hide themselves from a very early age. This conformity is drilled in then till adolescence and further. Maybe this is why we do not see others, but just a reflection or a partition of whom we look at.
A God or Gods, I believe are different to religion, Tho a God may be used as an ideology of a religion, this does not mean that God is a representative of the religion. Only that as an organized group of people we will personify that God to our belief. Doctrine, is then built up around this belief and a religion is conformed. Or another way to put it, law's have been put in place on the morality of an action.
In today's society, things are more complicated by design. The average person follows two Gods. One is in the teachings they heard about a God as they grew up. The other is in the teachings of what you will need to be, Rich and wealthy.
Society gives conflicting views on the many issues by design in an effort to keep division within society.

The layers of greed and conflicting ideology in society is pretty astounding to think about. I try to just be mindful of my own thoughts and actions, but it took a long time to get there.

One worth discussion. If there is an end goal.

So much hell yeah in this... my beliefs have changed a great deal throughout my life. In my youth I never thought about religion or spirituality. Then it went to the left as in liberalism. Then agnostic and from there a seeker. Belief is having faith in what you cannot see or touch. Just my 2 cents.

Very interesting and insightful post.

I think there is a difference between the "God Image" (the symbol that represents God to the psyche) and the metaphysical existence of God. "God" is something more abstract and higher-dimensional (for lack of better words) than we could ever fathom with our minds.. yet each individual surely has a unique perspective on this force, through their own experience and perhaps even in their DNA.

I think so long as the symbol of God truly resonates with the individual's perspective of reality and adds to the authentic "myth" of their existence in a way that empowers and helps them, it is amazing. Surely. in a universe full of complex paradoxes, there could be no one way.

I have been thinking about an idea which suggests spirituality is like a tool that allows humans to consciously harness their emotional and mental powers in a way to create and navigate the physical realm optimally.

Makes sense.

Excellent line of thought, and very rational and clear.
I want to make a contribution: Outside of what is "Religion", I believe what the Bible says.
and my last published topics take me to lines of thoughts and understanding never before discovered.
Especially when we speak of ourselves as whole beings (Spirit soul and body), today and here we are 100% HUMAN and as fallible and free in our ideas, that is what makes us rich in diversity.
Then we understand and agree that we are created in IMAGE OF GOD.
(As small gods since we were given lordship and power).

In my case because of the belief of a Triune GOD (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), as the Bible develops, I speak of a belief since it is what I pursue by FAITH and thus the manifest.
This makes me more and more human, believing in the duality of the believing man. 100% God, 100% Human.

Thank you very much for sharing.

Who God is to me might not be who God is to you, it depends on our relationship with him. Get to know about His sufficiency,

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