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RE: Freedom & Jean-Paul Sartre

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

"Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you." - Jean-Paul Sartre
A comment from my posts about Sartre.
"If we stop the Violence our ancestors used on us and stop the cycle of passing it to our kids, then we can be free and help to create a new world where people have enough autonomy, are happy and know how to live in an "antagonist-cooperative", "competitive- collaborative" World without the interference of Power.
Sartre in his first books was searching for the objective or sense of life and he got "The Nausea" of finding none.
But this was until he was arrested by the Nazis and found out that when marching in prison if he went to the left instead of going to the right as ordered, was the meaning of life fight for freedom (the best drug I have ever had in my life. :)

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