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RE: Would The World Be Better Without Electricity?

A world without electricity is a deadly world.

Within a day, we go from a society that has produce and meat stores, because of refrigeration, to a society that has no food stores. Those not prepared will starve, and quick (especially in the cities)

If it happens during a cold time, the cities will be burnt for warmth.
After the cities, the forests will be burnt for warmth.
We have lots of forests still because we get our heat from other sources.
Electricity is the only reason we can live in the shit houses that we build.

The Amish have already seen this evolution/revolution, and have applied the principals. It does work.... sorta.


I do admire the principles of the Amish of Pennsylvania - I did think of them whilst writing this article @builderofcastles :)

None of the political power shtuff works.
Cutting up the electrical grid does not granularize power enough to revert it to the people.

Lets take the story of one particular dog catcher. Who was an ass.
He could be replaced at any election of the city, however, his point of view, and one that was shown to work, is that he needed to piss off half the town, about 10,000 people before he would get fired. His pissing off people left and right during his day wouldn't get to that level, so his job was very secure.

What needs to transpire is a real message board for the city. Where it becomes apparent the wrong doings, and the what doings of all those in power. Most people have no idea what their city officials do. Even less have any idea of where money is spent.

Another problem is bureaucracy. I want to go pay for my tags. In any other store, I would walk in, maybe wait about three minutes and give someone my money. At the DMV I have waited half a day just to give them my money. And is not just about inefficiency. It is about control and red tape. You better do everything in the correct order... or you will wait in line, forever.

Yes, the breaking up of power is what is needed, but most cities are too large. The granularization needs to get down to the level of a dozen houses. Or a community within a community with a city. And power needs to be given on a opt-in basis. Today, we are told about the social contract... because we are in power, so suck it up.

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