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RE: Do no harm

Yes, the non-violence is taught and touted, while the self-defense is minimized or outlawed. Trying to make good sheep out of the populations.

However, i must state that these are guidelines that people should try to follow.

Do no harm?
The most violent thing that can be done in this world is give birth to a new human.
Just this "simple" act causes all kinds of changes to the earth and the fabric of time.

And you can take it to other extremes. Don't eat animals. Don't eat plants. Don't breath and kill air born bacteria.

Self-defense is also hard. Because there are places you should stand up and defend yourself. That is the correct emotional thing to do, but it could get you killed or worse, not effect the harm while causing you much damage.

So, it is something to strive towards. Don't kill yourself over it.


It's not violent. Violence is a violation. There is no violation in giving birth. Do no harm is an ideal, then you have to think of interaction with others and what harm is done, and what receives harm, and how we can avoid that harm by doing other things instead. Self-defense in the face of wrong and power can indeed backfire when you stand alone, especially in an inverted world that supports or lets the wrong continue.

You shouldn't fight when the defeat is certain. Whether it is physical or rhetorical self-defense, this works and is taught on most self defense courses.

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