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RE: Humbling Ourselves Before Truth

in #philosophy6 years ago

People being lazy thinkers is a direct result of the “Deliberate Dumbing Down” that begins in childhood and is supported by the culture at large. It’s a lowering of the bar to make stupid seem smart, and smart seem arrogant.

You watch news reporters talk to the “man on the street”, and who do they show? The most educated, articulate person they can find? Of course not. It’s some guy with a cap spouting off uninformed, pedestrian opinions in low colloquial language:

“What do you think about the new law against using cell phones while crossing the street?”

“‘Bout time! Folks ain’t lookin’ where they goin’ and sumbuddy’s gonna get thumselfs killed!”

Annnnnd the bar is set. If you feel as smart as this guy, you’re doing just fine. If you feel smarter, well, you’re a veritable genius! No need to concern yourself with further education, lest you become so smart that you’ll have to switch to bow ties.

I’m still waiting for the passer-by who says, “This law is a flagrant violation of man’s inherent natural law rights. Self-responsibility cannot be abdicated, despite all efforts to the contrary, and people should be encouraged to consider the consequences of their actions and make decisions accordingly.”

I guess that guy just never happens to be passing by at the right time...


LOL. I don't think that guy is common is the passers by anywhere ;)

Perhaps our mutt up there is a "hyperbolic representation" of the common man, and our informed citizen example is a bit too much to ask for, but I'd fall off my chair if they even showed someone who said, "It's against basic human rights."

You saw this girl who got punched up by police on the beach, right? What's all the talk about? "That cop shouldn't have punched her"... "She shouldn't have pushed the cop"... "Why didn't she just give her name?"...

Completely missing the issue. "Underage drinking" is not a thing. It's some bullshit somebody made up. It's immoral to rob someone for drinking a beverage, regardless of the beverage, or the age of the person. So this costumed asshole has no right to harass her on the beach in the first place. Trying to physically restrain an innocent person is a serious act of aggression, and had she pulled out a gun and shot him in the face, she would have been totally justified (although it would be a bit of overkill).

This is what people don't get, and this is the whole lesson in the story - the difference between right and wrong, and what human rights actually are.

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