I'm going to hell

in #philosophy7 years ago

According to my current, homemade religion, if an afterlife exists, I am probably going to Hell.

Either the self, the soul, is created and maintained solely by the chemicals and currents of the brain and attendant neural structures, or those structures simply act as a receiver for the self.

If the first, we can stop all consideration. Nothing else happens, nothing matters.

If the second, then the existence of that self is not determined by the corpus, but it's condition/status might be. If not, we can stop all consideration.

If so, then the issue revolves around the questions of what is the previous state of the soul and what changes can happen? There are some more either/or choices we can make.

Either the soul is singular or grouped, personified or abstracted.
(What follows is not intended to define anything but popular notions)

Singular/Personified is the classical Abrahamic sense. We are ourselves, in a place, doing things.

Grouped/Abstracted is the common Buddhist sense. We subsume into the whole and lose our personal sense of self.

Singular/Abstracted is the Hindu sense, we pass on individually, but our personality is not preserved beyond obligations and spiritual level. We become a different person with the same Karma.

I think I believe in Grouped/Personified. I see the self as a Universe wide vibration which has set up harmonies and standing waves which sometimes show up as flowers and Stars, and other times show up as consciousnesses. I believe that the whole of the multidimensional vibration in the time/space field is complex enough to be a consciousness itself, by many orders of magnitude. I believe the Universe/God has ideas so complex that the ideas can have ideas of their own. Us.

Those ideas (us) manifest in our bodies for a time, then vibrate off again. They always were and always will be part of the whole (Grouped) but also are distinctive, cohesive and self-perpetuating (Personified).

So, when we die, we merely shuffle off the filter which has kept us thinking we were separate. We are still both ourselves and intimately one with all other consciousness.

But... I think I prefer my privacy. Really, I'm not sure I like all those other consciousnesses. I've become a person who usually chooses to spend time alone. If I have to spend eternity in the same pocket of space time with some of the people I've met, I'm going to hate it. I know other people like that kind of thing, but not me. It would be almost unendurable.

Shit. I really might be going to Hell.

All images from pixabay or the original author unless otherwise noted.
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Maybe Hel isn't as bad as all that. Maybe she's just misunderstood due to being a bit quirky. Maybe it's just where everyone else doesn't want to be which makes it great for anyone who doesn't want to be where everyone else is? So maybe it's all good in the end?

I need more coffee I think, was getting mildly confused muddling through that and I think I confused myself further with this comment XD


Yeah, Hell is just how badly you endure wherever you find yourself.

I hear people say, "If Heaven is all angels and harps and perfect then I don't want to go there because it would be boring, Perfection is stagnation!". Well, if it's that boring, it's not Heaven. By definition, if you can't stand it because it is so boring and stagnant, it's Hell.

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