It's Okay to Disagree

I once had a friend stop being my friend over what I view as a very minor disagreement. I mentioned that I kept a shotgun under my bed (my neighborhood isn't super safe so that is, in my mind, a prudent precaution to take) and he, being fully on board with the anti-gun crowd's view of the subject, proceeded to chastise me for "contributing to the gun problem," ceased taking my calls, and no longer stood around to smoke with me after the class of which we were both a part. He and I agreed on a great number of other issues but that did not seem to matter. For some people agreement is an all or nothing affair and I find that to be both sad and a dangerous way for a society to operate. When we only associate with people like ourselves, we are denied the enrichment and increased understanding that can be born out of coming to terms with our differences. Worse yet, we weaken our ability to stand as a united front against those who would take advantage of us. In my mind, it is okay to disagree and that disagreement needn't be a wedge that divides us. If we want to become more well rounded individuals with a better understanding of why people believe the things that they believe and if we hope to guard ourselves against those who would exploit our division, it is of the upmost importance that we learn how to disagree with people without writing them off completely. 

I see people disregarding the thoughts and concerns of others because of some trivial difference of opinion quite frequently these days and in doing so, they rob themselves of the opportunity to gain a greater knowledge of the human condition. The average person does not hold his or her opinions to spite others. He or she has some reason to believe the things that he or she believes and to the individual, that reason makes perfect sense. We may not be able to see the individual's logic and his or her opinions that are born out of it may seem silly to us. However, this is not a good cause to disregard the different thinking individual. We gain nothing by pushing people to the margins of our "in-groups." We learn nothing by doing it and the individual ends up resenting our close mindedness. It is better, I believe, to take some time to try to understand why people think the way that they do. We may still reject a person's opinions after making our effort but we will come to know the person more fully and learn how to see things through his or her personal lens. We will not push the individual away because we understand why he or she is the way that he or she is and we may come to sympathize with his or her intentions even if we don't like his or her solutions. Finally the person may appreciate our effort and choose to try to understand us in the same way.

There is danger in disregarding others over differing opinions. I once knew a guy who broke up with his girlfriend because she voted for Obama. In addition to putting a major damper on his sex life for the next few months, he was playing right into the hands of the corporate and establishment entities who benefit from socialite division. I am long past the point of thinking that one side of the political spectrum is any more virtuous than the other. If one looks at the rhetoric of the left and the right, he or she will see that they both blow a bunch of smoke and sunshine up our collective ass while turning around and serving the interests of the existing systems of power and control. They get away with that blatant abuse of the good will of the public because we are too busy arguing about one issue or another to notice what is really going on. If, on the other hand, we, at least, try to understand each other and move past the issues that we disagree on, we can more effectively resist the corporate and political machines who often work against our best interest. That does not guarantee our success, of course, but it stands to reason than we are stronger together than we are apart.

We don't have to love each other. Some religions might say that we should and maybe the world would be a better place if we did but I don't think we need such an extreme affection for one another to be able to work together or to find some common understanding. Most people aren't monsters (there are a few of the irredeemable types floating around though). Most individuals think the way that they do because they believe that it is for the best. Even if we think that someone is wrong, we can, at least, respect his or her good intentions and try to use them as a springboard to a place of greater unity.


All the images in this post are sourced from the free image website


Most of us blind ourselves with these false divisions of who we are like Democrats, Republicans, White, Black, American, Cuban, etc. We are all individuals with our own independent minds. We all view the world through a different lens and that is what real diversity is all about. Diversity of ideas. There is not a single person that I agree 100% with everything that they say. That type of thought patterns belong as part of a cult. We should all encourage healthy debate about everything. It is a common form of learning and listening, especially with others that you probably disagree with.

Great article!

Thank you.

"That type of thought patterns belong as part of a cult."
Truth. Unfortunately, I think a lot of people engage in cult like behavior without even realizing it and that is something that I find to be concerning these days.

I am long past the point of thinking that one side of the political spectrum is any more virtuous than the other. If one looks at the rhetoric of the left and the right, he or she will see that they both blow a bunch of smoke and sunshine up our collective ass while turning around and serving the interests of the existing systems of power and control.

So right...and yet, so 'few' seem to recognize the truth within your statement nor the value in not just going along with the 'so-called' powers that be false narratives.

I also want to commend you for presenting your thoughts in a clear, unbiased and easily comprehensible manner.

I agree. You can see that with all the ratcheting up of pressure concerning Venezuela.

Truth. I can smell another necessary war coming if things continue escalating like they are.

How have you been? I'm glad to see that you are still around here. I know a lot of people jumped ship completely and even I took a super long break (that was work related though).

It's good to see you are still writing. Congrats on the new job. I've been busy with work as well. I haven't post any chapters for months. I was planning to post another one (have 10 or more chapters of Wackos 3 still to go), but keep putting it off.

Haha I have been putting off a bunch of things for that job lately. The pay and security are good and it has excellent benefits so its worth the effort but it is leaves me pretty tired filthy at the end of the day and the hours are awful. They have me going in at 2 or 3 in the morning most days.

Now is a good time to post though because the payouts give more sp than they were when the prices were better so posting those chapters might be a good idea. I have a few topics in mind but I probably won't write anything until my next day off.

Thank you.

I, naturally, have my biases but I try to separate them from the larger issues that I see in society. I disagree with a lot of people but working with them and coming to a peaceful understanding requires that we put some things on the back burner for a while but that is not as big of a deal as many think that it has to be.

Haha I had a little formal training as a writer when I was college so you can thank my many strict and brutally unforgiving professors for my "clear ...and comprehensible" writing style lol.

you can thank my many strict and brutally unforgiving professors for my "clear ...and comprehensible" writing style lol.

Oh...they weren't into 'Freestyle' incomprehensible scribbling yet??? Lucky dog you...

When you grasp the bigger picture, as you obviously do, this behavior from others will leave you in a slack jawed state right?

I love debate, and actually, I love when people smash my logic in a respectful way , a way that I'm able to intelligently look at and say "yes, you are absolutely right." I notice this isn't the case with many ,they will debate shit in a heated manner, and do not like to be challenged in their beliefs... Well excuuuuuuuuse me.. lol.

You get it man..

A magician will distract you with one hand, while performing a trick with the other in plain sight, in which, you were too distracted to notice. 🤔

Haha yeah people will leave you pretty shocked sometimes.

It is always nice when you run into someone what can give you a good run for your money in a debate. I think the problem people have is that they have a hard time seprating their pride from the things that they hold to be true so when something that they think is questioned, they take it personally.

Ah, pride and ego, indeed. I struggle with it myself at times, but I do love a good debate. I'm just pretty adamant about it being respectful. One could even say that is a bit ego driven.

But I don't see any reason for name calling, and bashing of one's character or intellect, even when the difference of opinion is pretty extreme. Seems simple to me, but volatility in human nature is really high right now. I choose not to hate others that have extreme difference in beliefs. If their hearts are filled with hatred, I feel sympathetic for them.

If someone is so bound by their beliefs, that they will turn their back on you the instant they find something disagreeable, well, I guess that is their problem. The open minded will align with the open minded. The extreme haters, arguers, drama-ists lol what ever you want to call them, are comfortable in their living hell. Leave them be I say, and welcome them with open arms when they are ready to shift.

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